Trip Report: OAI6

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The OAI6 was held in Geneva on 17th-19th June 2009.


The workshop is aimed at those involved in the development of openaccess (OA) repositories and who can influence the direction of developments either within their institution, their country or at an international level - that includes technical developers of OA bibliographic databases and connected services, research information policy developers at university or library level, funding bodies concerned with access to the results of their research, OA publishers,and influential researchers keen to lead OA developments in their own field. [1]

Presentations marked with Flag.png are especially recommended (by me)  :)


Day 1[edit]

  • Flag.png Tutorial on OAI-ORE (Herbert van de Somple) slides
Subject: Publication as a set of relations, modeling data, interoperability, linked data
  • Overview of the OAI-ORE interoperability framework (Herbert van de Somple) slides
Subject: Brief oai-ore overview
  • Flag.png Visualizing JSTOR: Exploring OAI-ORE for Information Topology Navigation (Robert Sanderson)
Subject: Information visualization
  • Flag.png A demonstrator of enhanced publications using OAI-ORE (Maarten Hoogerwerf)
Subject: Driver2 project, oai-ore experiences
  • Using OAI-ORE to Simplify Data Publishing Workflows (Tim Dilauro)
Subject: Microsoft, Office integration, SWORD
  • Economic implications of alternative publishing models: Self-archiving and repositories (John Houghton) slides
Subject: Publisher Models, Costs, self-archiving
  • Mandates: an Australian example at the Queensland University of Technology (Tom Cochrane) slides
  • Example 3 : Alliance for Permanent Access (Wouter Spek) slides
  • The Preservation Planning Workflow: From institutional requirements via experimental evidence to accountable preservation plans (Andreas Rauber) slides
Subject: Digital Preservation, Planning Tool

Day 2[edit]

  • Copyright: perspectives from the repository coalface (Morag Greig) slides
Subject: OA Publishing, Copyright
  • Alternative routes to the reuse of copyrighted journal content (David Hoole) slides
Subject: NPG, Business Model, Journals and OA
  • Adding value to scholarly communications through text mining (Sophia Ananiadou) slides
Subject: Text Mining, Faceted Browsing
  • Flag.png Data deposition as a measure to prevent and to detect scientific misconduct (Alexander Lerchel) slides
Subject: Importance of Dataset integration, Fraud
  • Embedding into the work environment of a researcher or research group: the library on the move (Martin Van Luijt) slides
Subject: Collaboration, User-Centred Design, Publication Tool of Univ. Utrecht
  • UK about embedding into the learning environment: JORUM (Peter Burnhill) slides
Subject: Learning materials repository, Collaboration
  • Flag.png Giving researchers what they want: SPIRES, High-energy physics and subject repositories (Travis Brooks) slides
Subject: Researcher pages, community, SPIRES promotion

Day 3[edit]

  • How to engage authors into an open bibliography initiative, the RePEc Author Service (Christian Zimmermann) slides
Subject: Researcher Pages, Peer Review, mostly RePeC promotion
  • The ResearcherID Project: Unlocking Scholarly Identity to Support Research Communities (James Pringle) slides
Subject: Researcher Pages
  • Author Identification in the Bibliographic Knowledge Network (Jim Pitman) slides
Subject: A bit of everything
  • Flag.png Studying scientific activity from large-scale usage data (Johan Bollen) slides
Subject: Information visualization, Journal impact factor
  • Flag.png Open peer review and interactive open access publishing: the effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance ( Ulrich POESCHL, MPG) slides
Subject: Researcher Pages, Peer Review


  • Top Topics
    • OAI-ORE
    • Integration of Datasets
    • Researcher Pages
    • SWORD
  • Announcement: SPIRES and CERN Document Server pool together and become INSPIRE (will launch end of this year)
