ESciDoc Pattern /The Pattern Paginator
We are diffrent elements to be used in the Pattern 'Paginator':
- Show ... hits per page
- Go to page ...
- Go to various pages
Show ... hits per page[edit]
The user can decide how many items he displays
Go to page ...[edit]
The user can go to a known page number
Go to various pages[edit]
The current page is in an highlighted mode and the user can choose other sites. For example the first or last page, the page before or next page or other pages reproduced by numbers.
The difined paginator for PubMan
- Is it necessary to map the paginator on the top and below the itemlist even there is a list with 10 or less items? (default)
- How many items a page is uesfull?
- connection to the search result (Your search result for ... is about ... )