Trip Report: 5th IGeLU Conference, Ghent, 30th August-1st September 2010

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The 5th annual meeting of the "International Group of Ex Libris users" (IGeLU) took place in Ghent from 30th August to 1st September 2010. The meeting has been attended by Inga and Irina as well as by Regina Bost and Genet Idossa Kitata from the GWDG. This page summarizes our experiences and findings. Further information can be found via the conference program and the #IGeLU10 twitter stream (archived with twatter).


Monday, 30th August 2010[edit]

Ex Libris Report – Matti Shem Tov[edit]

Ex Libris Strategy and Product Update Summary – Oren Beit-Arie, Nancy Dashkin[edit]

Primo and Primo Central Product Update, Roadmap and Q&A, Jorgen Madsen[edit]

Primo PWG (Product Working Group) Business Meeting[edit]

Tuesday, 31st August 2010[edit]

URM Update - John Larson, Omri Gerson, Susan Stearns[edit]

Consortia SIWG (Special Interest Working Group) Meeting[edit]

Primo in Austria - Wolfgang Hamedinger, Viktor Babitchev[edit]

The Early Adopter: Primo Version 3 and Primo Central, Habib Tabatabai[edit]

Primo V.2 and V.3 Experience at Yonsei University[edit]

Wednesday, 1st September 2010[edit]

URM Presentation, Susan Stearns[edit]

Ex Libris General Q&A[edit]

Customising the Primo Experience for your Users, Mark Dehmlow[edit]

Large, medium, small - How much information do our patrons need in Primo?, Christian Hänger[edit]