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Revision as of 13:17, 4 November 2010 by Malte (talk | contribs)
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Possible Improvements[edit]

  • Queue or Transactions for Jena updates (multiuser)
  • Reengineer Jena Beans to be standard compliant
  • Multiroot graph concept i.e. for collections or profile types
  • Improve handling of deleted images in escidoc
  • New role "LTA admin". User selects to persist a collection into eSciDoc
  • Wordpress Plugin
  • Media-RSS
  • Interpret Filename to derive metadata
  • Import just references instead of files
  • More multimedia types (i.e. video, audio,..)
  • More list view types (text, columns)
  • Collection homepage with themes
  • Access Counter for collections and images
  • Allow for multiple entries in one textarea separated i.e. by comma (Use case: normal multiple tags) instead of multiple text areas
  • Adapt album handling to same behavior as collection handling (multiple selection, then add, instead of adding single images)


  • it would be good to distinguish clearly the terms of image-level metadata profile and collection-level metadata profile.
  • in faces 4.0 still all collections will have 1 single metadata profile - that is at present publication metadata profile.
    • Actually I do not get this point. Currently for Faces 4.0 it is planed that for each collection one customizable can be created, and that does not have to be the publication metadata profile. --Kristina 06:59, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
  • images may have different metadata profiles in Faces - however - only 1 image-profile can be defined for all images within a collection.
  • albums - as they can aggregate images from various collections - image-level profiles are actually dependent on the profiles of images they aggregate --Natasa 15:22, 10 May 2010 (UTC)
  • to check if there are data model changes needed - additionally to what is offered --Natasa 15:22, 10 May 2010 (UTC)


  • Single file or ZIP upload can be done seamless by recognizing the MIME-type or the extention.
  • Folder is impossible by browser
  • Multi file upload requires JQuery extension, technically possible but depends on GUI Dev

--Rupert 11:09, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

Meta Data[edit]

  • I'd strongly vote for having Basic MD (for all images) + Specific MD (collection-specific) --Rupert 11:11, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
    • What about having title, description, dates (created, modified etc. - created for start would be sufficient), subject (keywords), creator - as in PubMan (person or organization - in latter case could be even an instrument e.g. microscope) as common metadata?
    • That would be fine. --Rupert 15:16, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
    • Currently in Faces (and also in Diamonds) we do not have description. Further on, subjects are to general (we want to make customizable metadata sets) and date modified is very raw when working with pictures. The metadata I am fine with is title (filename) and date created (therewith I mean the date when the picture was actually taken). Further on, we also could use date uploaded (when the picture was uploaded into the system). --Kristina 06:53, 28 July 2010 (UTC)


  • Metadata profile or metadata set is used to define the concrete set of terms used by a collection to describe the collection images
  • Namespaces are used to describe collections of URIs assigned to properties, classes and encoding schemes.
    • Would reccomend to use glossary similar to DCMI-Namespace Glossary
    • Translated, the following glossary could be used (note: eSciDoc we can replace with MPDL or anything else):
  • term
   A property (element), class, vocabulary encoding scheme, or syntax encoding scheme.
  • URI
   A Uniform Resource Identifier [URI] or Internationalized Resource Identifier [IRI].
  • eSciDoc term URI
   The URI that identifies a term.
  • term name
   A unique token assigned to a term (e.g. for all DCMI terms, the term name is appended to a DCMI namespace URI to create the *eSciDoc term URI
   The URI for a term that is declared and managed by eSciDoc.
  • term label
   A human-readable label assigned to a term.
  • eSciDoc namespace
   A collection of eSciDoc term URIs where each term is assigned a URI that starts with the same 'base URI'. The 'base URI' is known as the eSciDoc namespace URI. (Note that an eSciDoc namespace is not the same as an 'XML namespace').
  • eSciDoc namespace URI
   The URI that identifies a DCMI namespace.
  • eSciDoc term declaration
   machine-processable representation of one or more eSciDoc terms, expressed in a schema language (RDFS, XSD).
  • metadata record - instantiated descriptions (description sets) about one or more resources e.g. image and an author - into XML, RDF/XML etc.
  • description - a set of statements about a single resource e.g. image only or author only
  • description set - a set of more descriptions

Note that the Metadata records can use terms from several namespaces (not only eSciDoc namespace, e.g. dc, dcterms, kml etc.)