Talk:JusCMS ValidationRules

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Implemented CitationStyles for test-context[edit]

  • If genretype is newspaper article, the form of the print or online published date has the form YYYY-MM-TT.

  • Zeitschriftenartikel --> Zeitschrift
  • Zeitungsartikel --> Zeiung
  • Beitrag in Handbuch --> Handbuch
  • Beitrag in Festschrift --> Festschrift
  • Beitrag in Kommentar --> Kommentar
  • Beitrag in Lexikon --> Lexikon
  • Beitrag in Sammelwerk --> Sammelwerk

Fazit CitationStyles[edit]

Journal Article published online[edit]

  • Date.PublishedOnline has to be saved as full date - YYYY-MM-TT.
  • One of the following URIs is needed:
    • Identifier.type=DOI
    • Identifier.type=URN
    • Identifier.type=URI
    • Source.Identifier.type=URI
    • FileLocator.URL

Newspaper Article[edit]

  • The full date has to be given.
  • Newspaper Article has only Newspaper as Source.


  • This rules are also valid for Collected Edition, Commentary, Festschrift, Handbook.
  • Publisher und Publisher Place are mandatory fields.
  • Total nr of pages is mandatory.


  • Total nr of pages is mandatory.

Contribution to a Collected Edition[edit]

  • Only Start-Page is mandatory.

Case Note[edit]

  • If a date of type legalCase.issued is filled in, the form has to be full date YYYY-MM-TT. No other dates are possbile (e.g. only year or month-year).