Talk:JusCMS ValidationRules

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Fazit CitationStyles[edit]

This proposal of rules is a result of the minimum version of the citation style for each publication. This rules are NOT implemented.

Journal Article published online[edit]

  • Date.PublishedOnline has to be saved as full date - YYYY-MM-TT. (MUC: HIGH)
  • One of the following URIs is needed:
    • Identifier.type=DOI
    • Identifier.type=URN
    • Identifier.type=URI
    • Source.Identifier.type=URI
    • FileLocator.URL

Paper published online[edit]

  • Date.PublishedOnline has to be saved as full date - YYYY-MM-TT. (MUC: HIGH)

Monograph, Collected Edition, Commentary, Festschrift, Handbook[edit]

  • Publisher und Publisher Place are mandatory fields.
  • Total nr of pages is mandatory.


  • Total nr of pages is mandatory.

Contribution to a Collected Edition[edit]

  • Only Start-Page is mandatory.

Case Note[edit]

  • If a date of type legalCase.issued is filled in, the form has to be full date YYYY-MM-TT. No other dates are possbile (e.g. only year or month-year).

JUS-specific Rules[edit]

  • at least one date is required (irrespectively of the source type)
  • publisher_name_place_required (monograph) - Publisher place und Publisher has to be provided for monograph.
  • publisher_name_source_required - If "Publisher place" or "Publisher edition" in source is filled, "Publisher name" has to be filled also.
  • if genre-type=thesis, it should be possible to fill in just the publisher-place, but no publisher-name. This is needed for the work-around, if the university AND the publisher should to be filled (publisher-place=universtity, source1.publisher-place=Place of the publisher of the series, in which the thesis has been published)
  • if the only date given is "published-online" (and no date "published in print), it should be possible to fill just the "place of the publisher" (and no "publisher name") or no information about the publisher at all.
  • total_number_of_pages_required (monograph, handbook, collected edition, commentary) - For genre monograph and date published in print a total nr. of pages is required.
  • start_page_end_page_for_article_required - If genre is equal to "Article" Start and End Page has to be provided.
  • degree_thesis_required - If genre is equal to "Thesis" degree type is required.
  • volume_required_if_issue_is_filled (journal article) - If only an issue number is given, but no volume number, a warning should be displayed

PubMan Default Rules[edit]

PubMan Default Rules are listed below. The bold rules are mandatory. The other rules rule dependencies of fields.

  • publisher_name_required
    • If "Publisher place" or "Publisher edition" is filled, "Publisher name" has to be filled also.
  • organization_name_required
    • If the field "Address of an Organization" within a creator of type "Person" is filled, "Name of the Organization" has to be filled also.
  • event_title_required
    • If any fields at "Event" are filled, "Title" of the event has to be filled also.
  • source_title_required (this default rule should be modified for JusCMS)
    • If any fields at "Source" are filled "Title" OR "Abbreviated Title" has to be filled also.
  • publication_creator_role_required
    • If any fields at "Publication creator" are filled, "role" has to be filled also.
  • source_creator_role_required
    • If any fields at "Source creator" are filled, "role" has to be filled also.
  • genre_required
    • Genre is required. (Genre must not be manuscript.)
  • title_required
    • Title is required.
  • creator_required
    • At least one creator with an organizational unit provided is required.
  • date_required (submit)
    • If genre is not equal to "Series" or "Journal" or "Other" or "Manuscript" at least one date has to be provided.
  • correct_date_format
    • Entered dates have to be in the format YYYY, YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD.
  • component_data_required
    • If a file is given, the filename, the content category, the mime type, and the visibility are mandatory.
  • component_content_required
    • File: If a filename, a content category, a mime-type or a description is given, there has to be a content.
  • source_genre_required
    • If source name is given, the source genre has to be given, too.
  • uri_as_locator
    • Locator has to be a valid URI.
  • component_mimeType
    • the mime type of a file has to be one of the list given in "mimeTypes" above.
  • ddc_keywords
    • The entered keyword does not conform to the DDC classification in CONE.
  • no_slashes_in_filename
    • The file name of a component must not contain slashes "/".