PubMan Func Spec Export/OverviewGenres

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Overview of Genres mapped in Citation Styles[edit]

Main Genre APA AJP JUS MPG Yearbook
Book implemented (opt)q:String - the query (see below)
(opt)[predicate]: String - a value for a certain field (see below)
(opt)lang: String - the language as ISO 636-1 code
(opt)n: int - The maximum number of results that should be returned
String Scope:Public
Gives back a list of resources/ids in the given language (default 'en') matching the given query. The number of maximum hits given back is configurable (default 50).
Article implemented id: String
(opt)lang: String
String Scope:Public
Returns all available information on the resource in the given language (default 'en') identified by the given id.
all implemented (opt)lang: String String Scope:Public
Gives back a list of all resources/ids in the given language (default 'en').