Imeji Standard Metadata Profiles

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Use Case[edit]

A metadata profile editor does not want to create an own metadata profile but he wants to integrate a standardised metadata set.

Possible walk through:

  1. The user creates a collection
  2. The user wants to create a metadata profile, therefore he can:
    1. Create an own metadata profile
    2. Use an existing profile as template
    3. Use a standard profile
  3. The user decides to use a standard profile: The metadata profile editor is populated with the standard metadata statements

Open questions:

  • May the user be allowed to change the standard metadata profile (delete statements, change cardinality etc.)?
    • Would be a problem if we support standardized exports (especially with transformations)
    • Idea: The standard metadata profiles stays untouched but the user may create derivatives from them (children that inherit all statements from the standard metadata profiles). These derivatives are copies that are saved under another name but are fully editable. That way the standard metadata profiles and their standardized exports are always available. To support export for the derivatives the mappings should work in a similar fashion, that is the user may create derivatives of the standard mappings in order to retain the used standard statements while also be able to add or delete statements in an easy way. Standard mappings shall be documented to let the editor identify each statement at a glance. --Jroeder 13:19, 22 April 2013 (CEST)
      • I agree with Jörg. We have 2 object:s the profile and the maping. When using a template, the user gets both predefined, but can modify them. The original standard template is not affected. But we could thing a way to create new templates and/or to share profiles and mappings between collections.--Bastien 16:56, 30 April 2013 (CEST)
  • GUI issue: How can we best display such profiles (it is possible that we have a deep hierarchy, long profiles etc.)

Supported Metadata Standards[edit]

Which metadata standards should we support, please enhance the list. If possible link to the RDF representation of a standard:

Metadata Export[edit]

As we now provide standard metadata we can also provide standardized exports (via various transformations which are already available). Please add the export formats you want to have supported (if possible plus xslt from format of standard list above to export format):


  • It would be nice if the admin could add predefined metadata profiles. Therefore he could also integrate native metadata or add other profiles as needed. (integrate into admin area?)