Talk:PubMan Func Spec Ingestion

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work in progress

Implementation approach:

Note: is currently based on assumption that no workflow engine will be implemented to support more complex ingestion tasks/processing of items

Phase 1[edit]

  • provide multiple item submission (batch import) for local Endnote files and WoS records
  • eDoc format? eSciDoc xml?
  • ingestion done by depositor for any collection where he has depositing rights
  • simple workflow: submit and immediate release
  • no duplicate checking (?, maybe identification?)
  • supported EndNote versions: up to 6, 6.x
  • validation rules?
  • check pubmed as possible provider?
  • no provision of mapping of customizable endnote fields to escidoc

Phase 2[edit]

Phase 3[edit]

duplicate identification, duplicate handling workflow based ingestion, incl. task manager and processing of ingested items

Comments on Abstract Prototype[edit]

In general some more information would be good concerning options e.g. Is the list of options final or does it change/grow significantly for forthcoming releases?

A little bit more background on options/criteria would be fine to decide for suitable controls (probably not in this prototype because it is pretty clear here)


- is only one option possible/necessary ore more? - estimates on the options would be good: one is important, one might be rarely used, one depends on ... - is it mandatory to choose here explicitly or is it more optionally (pass this with a good default)

Rupert 17:35, 20 December 2007 (CET)