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(Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)

Project description[edit]

The aim of CARPET is the development of an information platform about electronic publishing. This information platform will give a structured, evaluative overview on available epublishing tools and services, and guide users to the appropriate technical solutions for their respective usage scenario. It will also provide recommendations on best practices and applicable standards (regarding document models, publication workflows or architectures of publishing systems). The platform shall become a virtual competence center for electronic publishing, a forum for users and developers alike.

Home Page[edit]


April 2009[edit]

The catalogue of tools and services, a moderated entry mask for new tools and services and a forum for user feedback are now available on the information platform. Right now, the catalogue consists of 50 titles but will be further extended. Projects interested in presenting their developments on the CARPET information platform, please use the entry mask or contact us: info(at)

September 2011[edit]

The platform is offering a catalogue with 110 entries and support forums of Goobi, Open Access Statistic, LockSS and the german support forum of OJS, OCS and OHS (PKP). A knowledge base collects the basic knowledge for e-publishing and a Newssection informs the community about new developments.


  • Göttingen State and University Library (SUB), Germany: DINI
  • Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU), Germany

MPDL Deliverables[edit]

In the first project stage, the MPDL was involved in all project activities but took the lead in the work package dedicated to standards and interoperability and in the PR activities of the project. In the second project stage, the MPDL is leading the working package 'community building and marketing'.


Second project stage has been approved and is running until August 2012.

Funding schema[edit]

DFG Programme: Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS)

Project start / end[edit]

July 2007 –

Funding period[edit]

2007 – 2012

MPDL contact[edit]

Felix Schüle

(former contacts: Christina Weyher, Frank Schulz)
