Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken

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MAB is the acronym for "Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken" which can be translated as Automated Library Exchange Format. It is a metadata format enabling "libraries to exchange all data generated within the library context: bibliographic, authority and local data" [1].

The current format version (MAB2) has been introduced in 1995; a corresponding XML structure (MABxml[2]) is available since 2003.

The record structure of MAB2 is defined by NISO standard Z39.2-1994 [3]. Each record starts with a fixed leader of 24 bytes. In the subsequent content, the element is defined by a 3-digit tag (e.g. 331 for the title) and an optional indicator (e.g. 100b for the first contributor). The tag is followed by the corresponding value.


00889nM2.01000024 h
001 00012645125
003 20001120
004 20020110152442.0
030 azzzc||z|||17
050 a
051 m
100 Riedl, Rupert
331 Biologie der Erkenntnis
335 die stammesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen der Vernunft
359 von Rupert Riedl
403 2. Aufl.
410 Berlin [u.a.]
412 Parey
425 1980
433 230 S. : graph. Darst.
540aISBN 3-489-60734-1
900 00003313204
902 |Biologie
902 |Erkenntnistheorie
903 21
905 00007729502
907 |Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie
910 00001427539
912 |Humanbiologie

References and Links[edit]


Further Reading[edit]