PubMan Func Spec New Genres
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Neue Genres[edit]
Data Publication / Datenpublikation[edit]
Alles wie bei "Paper"
Pre-Registration Paper / Pre-Registration Paper[edit]
Alles wie bei "Paper"
Registered Report / Registered Report[edit]
Alles wie bei "Paper"
Review Article / Review Article[edit]
Alles wie bei "Article"
- Preprint / Preprint
- Blog Post / Blogbeitrag
- Interview / Interview
- Software / Software
Geforderte Felder für diese Genres
- Neue Urheber-Rollen:
- Interviewer / Interviewer
- Interviewee / Befragte Person
- Developer / Programmierer
- Neue Quell-Genres:
- Blog / Blog
- Website / Webseite
- TV Broadcast / TV-Sendung
- Radio Broadcast / Radiosendung
- Neue Inhaltskategorie (Dateien und externe Referenzen):
- Multimedia / Multimedia
Offen: Podcast?
Mapping (Export)[edit]
Neues Genre -> So wie:
- Data Publication -> Paper
- Pre-Registration Paper -> Paper
- Registered Report -> Paper
- Review Article -> Article
- Preprint -> Paper
- Blog Post -> Paper
- Interview -> Paper
- Software -> Paper
PubMan-Genre -> CSL-Genre
- Data Publication -> dataset
- Pre-Registration Paper -> article
- Registered Report -> article
- Review Article -> article-journal
- Preprint -> article
- Blog Post -> post-weblog
- Interview -> interview
- Software -> article
Genre-Mapping für OAI-PMH (DC element "type")
- Data Publication -> info:eu-repo/semantics/other
- Pre-Registration Paper -> info:eu-repo/semantics/other
- Registered Report -> info:eu-repo/semantics/other
- Review Article -> info:eu-repo/semantics/article
- Preprint -> info:eu-repo/semantics/preprint
- Blog Post -> info:eu-repo/semantics/other
- Interview -> info:eu-repo/semantics/other
- Software -> info:eu-repo/semantics/other
Neues Genre -> So wie:
- Data Publication -> Paper
- Pre-Registration Paper -> Paper
- Registered Report -> Paper
- Review Article -> Article
- Preprint -> Paper
- Blog Post -> Paper
- Interview -> Paper
- Software -> Paper
- Data Publication -> %0 Dataset
- Pre-Registration Paper -> %0 Report (bleibt)
- Registered Report -> %0 Report (bleibt)
- Review Article -> %0 Journal Article (bleibt)
- Preprint -> %0 Report (bleibt)
- Blog Post -> %0 Blog
- Interview -> %0 Interview
- Software -> %0 Generic
- Film -> %0 Film or Broadcast
Neue Urheber-Rollen (nur Personen)
- Developer / Interviewee > %A
- Interviewer -> %E
- %0 Dataset -> Data Publication
- %0 Blog -> Blog Post
- %0 Interview -> Interview
- %0 Film or Broadcast -> Film
Neue Urheber-Rollen
Für Interview (%0 interview):
- %A -> creator role interviewee
- %E -> creator role interviewer
Für Dataset, Blog, Film or Broadcast:
- %A -> creator role author
- %E -> creator role editor
Beschreibungen (für das Handbuch)[edit]
- Data Publication: Closed set of research data that has been published in a data journal or a repository - provided with its own persistent identifier (e.g. DOI).
- Pre-Registration Paper: A research protocol document created prior to conducting the actual research. It may include the research hypotheses, analysis plan, methods, parameters, and further information on the planned research process. The document is made publicly available on a website in a non-modifiable way (including timestamps) before starting data collection.
- Registered Report: Publication format used by journals. The two-stage publication process includes pre-registration of methods and analyses. These are then subjected to a peer-review process prior to research (data collection) being conducted.
- Review Article: Special type of article that summarizes the current state of understanding on a topic. It does not apply to a normal peer-reviewed article. It may come in the form of a literature review or, more specifically, a systematic review. Some "Review Journals" specialize in this type of article.
- Preprint: Version of a scholarly paper prior to formal peer-review and its publication in a journal. It is often publicly available before (and after) the paper is published in a journal.
- Blog Post: A contribution or an article posted on a weblog or a similar website.
- Interview: Structured conversation including questions and answers. May be available in printed form or in an audio or video format.
- Software: Any information processed by computer systems.