User:CoNE Person

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  • Implementation status: The schema is implemented in RDF Schema, so for now there are just inference rules. It should be extended by owl to define more restrictions and constraints --Kurt 14:23, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

  • would check again if properties such as modified-by, created-by etc. should not be modeled as separate class in future. NIMS asked for these things, and they were created without proper definition before. I think these are actual system properties (i.e. those that need to be automatically populated by the Cone service). Therefore imho these do not belong to the core Person RDF properties (i.e. descriptive metadata). --Natasa 09:01, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

Traugott comments[edit]

  • add disambiguation metadata
    • year of birth, death
    • topic of research, e.g. PhD topic
    • keywords
    • IDs from other systems that may include a bit more information on a person
  • revise metadata on person profile (make it more clear semantically)
    • format of dates
    • affiliation and position vs org units
  • check position vs affiliation
    • for disambiguation affiliation is more important
  • end-date is not mandatory in position
  • email - what is the email: personal, organizational email etc.
  • check metadata vs. properties
  • identifiers for persons should not be described as internal person identifiers (openID, etc.)
Source pro Naming variant muss angegeben werden--Ulla 09:58, 15 September 2009 (UTC)
  • check in general the name of the property vs. description