Difference between revisions of "Talk:Faces User Management"

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(Deletion of the discussion about two contexts for Faces (FACES anf FACES ALBUM))
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== User Roles ==
== User Roles ==
* My assumption (Natasa):
:* We need one context "Faces Albums" where users can create albums (gets depositor rights).
:* We need one context "Faces" plus the role "Privileged Viewer" (has only viewing rights, no depositing ones) for users who are able to view all items independent on component (image) visibility.
: Background: Currently only the states private (only visible for the creator of the image) and public (visible for all users) are available in the framework. But for Faces we need more. Therefore the role "Privileged Viewer" will be implemented which allows a user to view all private components within a special context (Faces) also when he is not the creator. This role has to be automatically assigned to each Faces account user.
:--> Role was delivered by the framework

== Account User Metadata Set ==
== Account User Metadata Set ==

Revision as of 14:27, 18 December 2008

UC_FAC_UM_01 Log on to the system[edit]

As long as the standard mechanism provided by the coreservices is used this use-case is fine. --Natasa 14:27, 25 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_FAC_UM_02 Log off from the system[edit]

UC_FAC_UM_03 View account users list[edit]

UC_FAC_UM_04 Create account user[edit]

  • State inactive is not supported by the core services yet. Natasa will talk to FIZ, because the state is needed for Faces and PubMan (see Jira Task FAC-68: http://zim01.gwdg.de:8080/browse/FAC-68). --Kristina 08:39, 29 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_FAC_UM_05 Edit account user[edit]

UC_FAC_UM_06 Deactivate account user[edit]

UC_FAC_UM_07 Confirm account user[edit]

User States[edit]

User Roles[edit]

Account User Metadata Set[edit]

--Kristina 09:42, 29 August 2008 (UTC):

  • The clarify what will happen with the required metadata connected to a user account we have to wait till the IDP will be implemented. Currently, the idea is to put this metadata in the Application Profile FacesPerson. Further on, the profile has to be extended by "Person Type" (List: user, depicted person).
  • To use this metadata in the IDP, eduPerson can be used. This includes the property "description", which we can use for the study name and description.* "Person resource" is needed (describes a person; means to have a person item). Natasa will talk to FIZ. If we have this, we can save a lot more user data then now (see Jira Task FAC-68: http://zim01.gwdg.de:8080/browse/FAC-68).
To use "Person resource" together with the IDP, we should use an international standard (e.g. eduPerson).