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== UC_FAC_AM_03 Remove picture from album ==
== UC_FAC_AM_03 Remove picture from album ==
===Dev Input===
===Dev Input===
*precondition 1 should be  "A pending or shared album is selected."
*precondition 2 should be "The user is the owner or is sharing the selected album"

== UC_FAC_AM_04 Edit album ==
== UC_FAC_AM_04 Edit album ==

Revision as of 12:05, 16 January 2009


UC_FAC_AM_01 Create album[edit]

User roles to be checked for album creation. See http://zim01.gwdg.de:8080/browse/AS-525 for more infos. --Natasa 10:47, 27 August 2008 (UTC)

DEV ToDo[edit]

  • extend create album with create notepad, and add notepad as member of the album

SVM ToDo[edit]

  • check metadata of notepad (item can not be created without a metadata record, would publication metadata suffice? or copying the metadata from the album? --Natasa 11:48, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

UC_FAC_AM_02 Add picture to album[edit]

Possibility to add one picture to more than one single album in one step

  1. GUI: Is not possible with an intuitive GUI (Data quality! No undo available!) The functionality of seeing which pictures are already in an album (in the browsing view) will get lost. Maybe as admininstrative feature --Unfried 13:59, 8 September 2008 (UTC)
  2. DEV: Can be technically provided. Tricky part is to automatically tell user in which albums (with status different from "released", "withdrawn" he has privileges for adding) the picture was already added (toDO: check with FIZ on querying the semantic store) --Natasa 15:46, 25 August 2008 (UTC)
As the requirement of adding one picture to several albums within one step can not be supported by the GUI, we decided to delete it from the requirements. --Kristina 07:49, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

Based on the conclusions above and related to R3.5 spec[edit]

All comments below from --Natasa 11:55, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

  1. see no inclusion of this use case in View Album Details use case, as when we are viewing album details we can only remove pictures from album (because we only look at existing pictures) but not add new pictures to this album
  2. precondition shall include additionally "or the user has at least one shared album"
  3. the current spec of this use case assumes that the user selects an album each time she would like to add an image to an album
  4. current R2/R3 implementation assumes an album is preselected as an active album, and only in this case the adding of images to an album is possible
    1. if the latter is the case, then the use case shall be extended with the pre-condition that one album is selected, and the flow of events should exclude the step of selecting of an album

UC_FAC_AM_03 Remove picture from album[edit]

Dev Input[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_04 Edit album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_05 Delete album[edit]

Remarks for GUI implementation:

  • If only one album was selected we can move to detail page, where shared users are visible and invoke the message. If more than one album is selected the sytem displays the message only plus confirmation. --Unfried 15:10, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

UC_FAC_AM_06 Release album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_07 Withdraw album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_08 Export album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_09 Share album[edit]

Usage of user groups for the sharing of an album

Instead of sharing an album with several users, the possibility of creating an user group can be used
  1. Create a user group
    1. A user (who has the corresponding privileges) creates a user group by providing e-mail addresses of possible participants.
    2. The system invites the possible participants via e-mail.
    3. The possible participants confirm their participation in the user group by following a link provided by the e-mail.
  2. Sharing of an album with a user group
    1. Visibility
      • User group and their participants must be visible to the owner of an album
      • Each user can only see the user groups and their participants he is part of
      • During invitation: is interesting to know which users are also invited to the user group (independently if they already have confirmed their participation or not) --> not possible
    2. One user group will be selected to share the album.
    3. Users will get a notification but do not have to confirm the sharing.
    4. When a user does not want to share the album he has to leave the user group. When the group is sharing other albums, too, he will unshare this albums, too.
Not really interesting for FACES. User groups will only be discussed when the institute requires them. --Kristina 13:12, 22 December 2008 (UTC)

How to add a shared user:

Two possibilities were discussed:
  1. Via User Name
  2. Via e-Mail Address
Via user name is not possible because the user name is not known by the system when using a handle system --> via e-mail address will be used (was decided in an internal meeting on 11.12.08; participants: Natasa, Rike, Bastien, Rupert, Denise, Markus M., Kristina)

UC_FAC_AM_10 Confirm shared user[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_11 Unshare Album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_12 Copy album content[edit]

Remarks for GUI implementation:

  • GUI might be different here because multiselect is necessary. --Unfried 15:33, 8 January 2009 (UTC)