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[[Category:PubMan|BioMed Central Mapping]]
[[Category:PubMan|BioMed Central Mapping]]
[[Category:Functional_specification|PubMan Func Spec Submission/BioMed Central mapping]]
[[Category:Functional_specification|PubMan Func Spec Submission/BioMed Central mapping]]
[[Category:ESciDoc Mappings|BioMed Central Mapping]]
[[Category:ESciDoc Mappings|BioMed Central Mapping]]

Revision as of 08:07, 13 March 2009

Mapping of the Metadata Set Publication to OpenURL[edit]

The chapter describes the transformation of the Metadata Set Publication to the OpenURL standard (http://www.niso.org/standards/standard_detail.cfm?std_id=783).

Element name eSciDoc Publication
ctx_ver “Z39.88-2004“
rft_val_fmt “info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal“
rfr_id “info:sid/escidoc.mpg.de:pubman”
rft.genre Genre
rft.atitle Title
rft.title First Source.Title
rft.aulast Creator.Person.Lastname of first author only
rft.aufirst Creator.Person.Firstname of first author only
rft.au Creator.Person.Completename for all users, concatenated by semicolon
rft.issn First Source.Identifier or Identifier of type ISSN
rft.isbn First Source.Identifier or Identifier of type ISBN
rft_id “info:doi/“ and first Source.Identifier of type DOI
rft.volume First Source.Volume
rft.issue First Source.Issue
rft.pages First Source.Pages
rft.date Date, if more than one publication dates is available only one should be included in following order:
  1. DateType = published in print
  2. DateType = published online
  3. DateType = accepted
  4. DateType = submitted
  5. DateType = modified
  6. DateType = created


