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'''Status 200'''

A servicedocument containing all open collections a user may deposit to.
A servicedocument containing all open collections a user may deposit to.

Revision as of 07:03, 2 April 2009

This page briefly describes the SWORD Server implementation in the PubMan solution. General Information about SWORD can be found here.


For start the SWORD functionality is directly implemented in PubMan by exploiting and extending the sword api provided by JISC. In future we could have a seperate SWORD service for all eSciDoc solutions. PubMan implements 3 classes for the SWORD service:

  1. PubManSwordServer - Processing of requests
  2. PubManServiceDocumentServlet - Accepting requests for the Service Document (dependent on user credentials)
  3. PubManDepositServlet - Accepting requests for the deposits (dependent on user credentials)


The PubMan SWORD interface is deployed within the PubMan ear, therefore one can access the above described servlets by the PubMan baseURL + the servlet path.

(Example with PubMan base url http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de, note that sword functionality is not yet deployed on live server)

Service Document[edit]



GET with user credentials

Response: Status 200

A servicedocument containing all open collections a user may deposit to.

    <atom:title type="text">PubMan SWORD Workspace</atom:title>
    <collection href="collectionIdentifier">
       <atom:title type="text">demo publications</atom:title>
       <dcterms:abstract>Description of the demo publication collection</dcterms:abstract>
           Zip archives recognised as content
           packages are opened and the individual files
           contained in them are stored. All other files
           are stored as is.

Deposit Service[edit]



POST with user credentials and depositing item as zip


201 Created or 202 Accepted - One of these MUST be used to indicate that a deposit was successful. 202 Accepted is used when processing of the data is not yet complete. Location: [Member Entry URI]

Plus the atom (e.g.):

<atom:entry xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sword="http://purl.org/net/sword/">
  <atom:content type="application/zip" src="TODO: Source"/>
  <atom:title>My First Sword item</atom:title>
  <sword:treatment>Zip archives recognised as content
     packages are opened and the individual files contained
     in them are stored. All other files are stored as

  • The zip file may contain several file but must contain one metadata file (currently only escidoc publication format is supported, as soon as know the depositing format we can run a transformation). All files not containing metadata are transformed to PubFiles and are added to the Publication item.
  • The item is deposited to the collection: collectionIdentifier
  • The validation of the item depends on the collection
  • The action of deposit depends on the collection (see action mapping)

Action Mapping[edit]

SWORD Action PubMan Action Comment
Deposit Save
Save, Submit
Save, Submit,Release
depending on the collection workflow and collection policies.
Edit Release same as above
Delete Withdraw If item is in state released
Delete delete If item is in state pending

Provide also delete for 'not submitted' items?--Friederike 08:51, 11 March 2009 (UTC)
 :) Have not thought of it. Actually, maybe we should only provide delete for "pending" and "in-revision" items, and not withdraw automatically. --Natasa 09:15, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

TODO: Check exact delete behaviour of PubMan items, SWORD delete should reflect this behaviour.