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***[http://faces.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/escidoc:57488 Faces album (container) presented]
***[http://faces.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/escidoc:57488 Faces album (container) presented]
***[http://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de/ir/container/escidoc:57488 Faces album in the repository]
***[http://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de/ir/container/escidoc:57488 Faces album in the repository]
===Face items===
*An Item object is an image of a facial expression, showing emotions such as: happiness, anger, saddness etc.. Each item contains two sets of image captions of the expression (each face/expression was captured twice). Sets are named "a" for the first image caption and "b" for the second caption.
**''MetadataRecord'':contains metadata of the face and expression such as: gender, age, emotion, age-group
**''Component1'': an image that captures the facial expression
***''Component1.MetadataRecord1'': contains information on the image caption set; type of the image such as: original resolution, thumbnail or web resolution.
***''Component1.MetadataRecord2'': technical metadata of the image (e.g. generated from JHove)
***''Component1.Content'': the actual bytestream e.g. JPEG file itself
**''Component2'': an image that captures the facial expression
***''Component2.MetadataRecord1'': contains information on the image caption set; type of the image such as: thumbnail
***''Component1.MetadataRecord2'': technical metadata of the image (e.g. generated from JHove)
***''Component1.Content'': the actual bytestream e.g. JPEG file itself
***[http://faces.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/details/escidoc:43864 Face item presented]
***[http://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de/ir/item/escidoc:43864 Face item in the repository]

Revision as of 09:49, 28 September 2009



This page provides general overview on the Container resources within the eSciDoc repository. General introduction available at eSciDoc Logical Data Model page.

Model description[edit]

  • A Container represents aggregation of content resources such as other Items and/or Containers. Each Container comprises of:
    • at least one MetadataRecord i.e. one or more metadata descriptions of the overall content of the container
    • zero or more members of type Item or Container expressed with the "structural map" of the container

UML Diagram[edit]


  • For simplicity reasons properties of the objects and item resource details are not represented on the diagram. Properties are managed by the escidoc repository itself and may change during time. For more information on the properties and ther usage please check the documentation available at eSciDoc Container Service. Data model details for Item resource is available at eSciDoc Logical Data Model-Item.


Faces Albums[edit]