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VuFind2 generally favoured, more logic moved to PHP classes, less complexity in templates.
VuFind2 generally favoured, more logic moved to PHP classes, less complexity in templates.

Subject facetting
Subject facetting by HeBIS
* local mapping of different vocabularies
* local mapping of different vocabularies
* use placeholders to achieve transparency & completeness of facet
* use placeholders to achieve transparency & completeness of facet

Revision as of 13:55, 8 October 2015

The 4th meeting of German-speaking VuFind users / institutions using VuFind took place in Konstanz 6th to 7th October, 2015. The meeting was attended by Erik.

Summary: Meeting of developers & representatives from institutions providing end user solutions based on the VuFind framework. Most of them not only install & run VuFind but also (heavily) customize & tailor solutions to their specific needs. Many of the participants also maintain at least a local branch of VuFind on GitHub. The German-speaking community is preparing to collect ideas to influence the VuFind 3 development roadmap starting next week.

Conference Program: http://www.bsz-bw.de/bibliothekssysteme/vufind/2015.html


VuFind out of the box - general deficiencies

  • legal details disregarded (e.g. book covers)
  • standard fields not displayed
  • availability fails to cover all details
  • too many JavaScript, css files

Local VuFind development

  • be specific about base release
  • create local branch
  • extesions ought to work stand-alone
  • implement all changes within local modules
  • problem - releases, upgrades

Global development

  • requires dual maintenance
  • synchronize with current release
  • general maintenance, change requests, bug fixes
  • provide test cases

Merge all branches, resolve conflicts, local configuration in separate directory, push final version to git.

VuFind users may be required to provide & roll-out local instances quickly - example: BOSS

VuFind2 generally favoured, more logic moved to PHP classes, less complexity in templates.

Subject facetting by HeBIS

  • local mapping of different vocabularies
  • use placeholders to achieve transparency & completeness of facet

Article index created by UB Leipzig

  • low-cost successor to Primo Central solution
  • major data source: crossref
  • create intermediate format (quite standard...done by others as well)
  • framework in use to orchestrate steps of workflow
  • one-command index update
  • use of docker & manifold tools
  • frontend - foundation, Sass
  • https://finc.info
  • https://github.com/finc

Support of multiple data formats by UB Frankfurt

  • processing METS/MODS, LIDO, MARC21/MARCXML, non-standard (CSV, from Faust-DB, Allegro, etc)
  • unified format EDM/DM2E
  • fullrecord not indexed by used by single record driver
  • aggregate data by means of REPOX
  • solution planned to be open source
  • note: rather index 10-30K metadata records than parse by record driver

META by i.d.a-Dachverband

  • puts extremely high value on user experience before starting implementation
  • grouping of search results

Modularizing and interfaces - a critical view on VuFind 2

  • MVC is extremely heavy-weight
  • all services through MVC (even smaller ones like auto-suggest)
  • too many dependencies
  • global components required (vs. local modules), packages
  • upgrade - merge of complete branch with master required
  • share development (Villanova, Finc, BSZ, swissbib, ...)
  • VuFind 2.5 multiple (50) Zend repositories rather than single one
  • unified HTTP interface
  • upgrade VuFind 2 -> 3 - changes not required, but recommended

VuFind 3 development roadmap - etherpad will be set up & shared among participants, comments welcome