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[http://www.crossref.org CrossRef] is on of the DOI registration agencies, responsible for scholarly and professional publications; with more than 2000 publishers participating. The participating publishers register metadata records for each each DOI and thereby built a big multidisciplinary reference database with more than 29 million records.
[http://www.crossref.org CrossRef] is on of the DOI registration agencies, responsible for scholarly and professional publications; with more than 2000 publishers participating. The participating publishers register metadata records for each each DOI and thereby built a big multidisciplinary reference database with more than 29 million records.

The most usage scenarios described below require that the institution become an CrossRef affiliate, e.g. by signing the
The most usage scenarios described below require that the institution become an CrossRef affiliate, e.g. by signing the
* library agreement, see http://www.crossref.org/03libraries/index.html <br>Conditions: There is no charge for most libraries to get a CrossRef account to retrieve DOIs or metadata, but there is a fee for high-volume (> 1 million) requests
* '''library agreement''', see http://www.crossref.org/03libraries/index.html <br>Conditions: There is no charge for most libraries to get a CrossRef account to retrieve DOIs or metadata, but there is a fee for high-volume (> 1 million) requests
* affiliate agreement, see http://www.crossref.org/04intermediaries/index.html <br>Conditions: annual fee according to [http://www.crossref.org/04intermediaries/34affiliate_fees.html price list].
* '''affiliate agreement''', see http://www.crossref.org/04intermediaries/index.html <br>Conditions: annual fee according to [http://www.crossref.org/04intermediaries/34affiliate_fees.html price list].

The MPG is a CrossRef affiliate, more information is available via Inga.
The MPG is a CrossRef affiliate, more information is available via Inga.

== Fetching Metadata ==
== Fetching Metadata ==

Revision as of 16:56, 15 September 2008

CrossRef is on of the DOI registration agencies, responsible for scholarly and professional publications; with more than 2000 publishers participating. The participating publishers register metadata records for each each DOI and thereby built a big multidisciplinary reference database with more than 29 million records.

The most usage scenarios described below require that the institution become an CrossRef affiliate, e.g. by signing the

The MPG is a CrossRef affiliate, more information is available via Inga.

Fetching Metadata[edit]

CrossRef supports various methods to request the metadata for a known doi.

via the OpenURL interface[edit]

The OpenURL interface provides an convenient way to access the metadata record for a known DOI. Currently this interface does not require users to have an account, but this is subject to change.

Example request (crossref_query output): http://www.crossref.org/openurl/?id=doi:10.1007%2F978-3-540-73859-6_29&redirect=false Example request (unixref output): http://www.crossref.org/openurl/?id=doi:10.1007%2F978-3-540-73859-6_29&format=unixref&redirect=false

More information: http://www.crossref.org/openurl_info.html

via an OAI interface[edit]

CrossRef operates an OAI-PMH service provider for distributing metadata to subscribers which is especially helpful for a bulk download of metadata records. Accessing this interface requires an additional agreement which is currently not avilabl

Example request (identify): http://oai.crossref.org/OAIHandler/?verb=Identify Example request (record, login required): http://oai.crossref.org/OAIHandler/?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=cr_unixml&identifier=info:doi/10.1038/42304

More information: http://www.crossref.org/webservices.html

Available Outputs[edit]

crossref_query output: the . Schema: http://www.crossref.org/qrschema/crossref_query_output2.0.xsd

unixref output: a more verbose XML response. Schema: http://www.crossref.org/schema/unixref1.0.xsd

Additional Tools[edit]

doi resolver (provide a doi and be redirected to the corresponding article location): http://dx.doi.org

free doi lookup (provide metadata and receive the corresponding doi): http://www.crossref.org/guestquery/

Crossref simple text query (provide a reference): http://www.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery/

Further Reading[edit]