Difference between revisions of "Talk:Faces Album Management"

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== UC_FAC_AM_12 Copy album content ==  
== UC_FAC_AM_12 Copy album content ==  

== UC_FAC_AM_13 Ingest album content ==
== UC_FAC_AM_13 Merge album content ==

Revision as of 14:07, 18 December 2008


UC_FAC_AM_01 Create album[edit]

User roles to be checked for album creation. See http://zim01.gwdg.de:8080/browse/AS-525 for more infos. --Natasa 10:47, 27 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_FAC_AM_02 Add picture to album[edit]

  • Comments by Natasa --Natasa 15:46, 25 August 2008 (UTC):
  • the possibility to add pictures to more than a single album can be provided
  • tricky part is to automatically tell user in which albums (with status different from "released", "withdrawn" he has privileges for adding) the picture was already added (toDO: check with FIZ on querying the semantic store) --Natasa 15:46, 25 August 2008 (UTC)
  • To add a picture to several albums within one step is not possible with an intuitive GUI (Data quality! No undo available!) The functionality of seeing which pictures are already in an album (in the browsing view) will get lost. Maybe as admininstrative feature --Unfried 13:59, 8 September 2008 (UTC)
As the requirement of adding one picture to several albums within one step can not be supported by the GUI, we decided to delete it from the requirements. --Kristina 07:49, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

UC_FAC_AM_03 Remove picture from album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_04 Edit album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_05 Delete album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_06 Release album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_07 Withdraw album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_08 Export album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_09 Share album[edit]

Possible scenarios for sharing an album:

Via Nickname

  • The owner of the albums enters the nickname of a user with whom he wants to share the album in an exact query search. The system checks the existence of the user. When he exists, the system adds him as a inactive shared user. When he does not exist, an error message occurs.
  • The inactive shared user has to be informed about his new privileges as shares user. This could happen either
  1. via e-mail.
  2. via message in his user account (e.g. in the list my albums the shared album will be displayed with the action buttons to confirm or refuse the sharing).
    • Disadvantage: The user gets the message only when he logs himself on in FACES.
  • Further on, the inactive shared user has to accept his new privileges either by
  1. following a link within the e-mail to FACES.
    • Question: When following this link, do the user have to log himself on in FACES for confirmation or would it be enough when he only follows the link?
  2. within clicking a button within his user account (e.g. his my albums list).
  • When the inactive shares user accepts the sharing of the album, he gets an active shared user. When he refuses the sharing, he will be deleted from the list of the shared users.

Via e-Mail Address

  • The owner of the albums enters an e-mail address of a user with whom he wants to share the album in a text panel. Either
  1. the system checks, if a user with the mentioned e-mail address exists in the system. When he exists, the system adds him as a inactive shared user. When he does not exist, an error message occurs.
    • Disadvantage: If the shared user has several e-mail addresses, the owner of the album has to know which e-mail address is known to the FACES software.
  2. the system does not check the e-mail address. Only the e-mail address can be added as inactive shared user (the system does not have more information about the user himself).
  • The inactive shared user has to be informed about his new privileges as shared user via e-mail.
  • Further on, the inactive shared user has to accept his new privileges:
    1. When the system has already checked that the e-mail address belongs to a FACES user, the user has only to follow a link within the e-mail.
    2. When the e-mail address was not checked, the inactive shared user has to log on himself in FACES bevore he can confirm the sharing (e.g. in the list my albums the shared album will be displayed with the action buttons to confirm or refuse the sharing).
  • When the inactive shares user accepts the sharing of the album, he gets an active shared user. When he refuses the sharing, he will be deleted from the list of the shared users.

UC_FAC_AM_10 Confirm shared user[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_11 Unshare Album[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_12 Copy album content[edit]

UC_FAC_AM_13 Merge album content[edit]