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* What are the minimal requirements of metadata (validation)?
* What are the minimal requirements of metadata (validation)?
* In what format do we send the metadata to the PEER depot?
* In what format do we send the metadata to the PEER depot?
* How do we talk to the FTP server? which host? which account credentials?

===Additional Information===
===Additional Information===

Revision as of 16:34, 8 September 2009

This page contains the specification of author deposits in the PEER project.

---- Work in progress ----

The Author Deposit Scenario[edit]

Schema will follow

Submission of Publications[edit]

Authors are invited to self deposit publications to the PEER repositories.


  • Status: in design


  • Depositor

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. A user chooses to deposit his publication to the PEER depot.
  • 2. The user can enter basic metadata into a webform
  • 3. The user can upload a file
    • 3.1. The system checks the file mimetype and gives an error message when the file is not recognized as application/pdf.
  • 4. The user can select a journal name from a provided list
  • 5. The user can send the metadata and the file to the peer depot.
    • 5.1. The user needs to fill out a capture to avoid spamming
  • 6 The webform performs a simple validation
    • 6.1. The webform content is validated successfully
    • 6.2. The webform content is validated unsuccessfully and the user gets a feedback that the content was not sent (he can change the content and try again).
  • 7. The content is send to the PEER depot via FTP
    • 7.1. The content can successfully be deposited to the peer depot - the use case ends successful.
    • 7.2. The PEER depot is unavailable, the user gets a message, that the content could not be transferred to the PEER depot - the use case ends unsuccessful.


  • No deposits will be stored, if the PEER Depot is not available the author attempt will be unsuccessful.
  • The user can not decide to which repository his publication is deposited to, the publication will be deposited to all participating reps.

Open Questions[edit]

  • What metadata can the user enter?
  • What are the minimal requirements of metadata (validation)?
  • In what format do we send the metadata to the PEER depot?
  • How do we talk to the FTP server? which host? which account credentials?

Additional Information[edit]

  • The basic deposit webform will be hosted at the MPDL (same server as track system).

Processing and Deposit of Publications[edit]

All further steps (including duplicate check) will be developed by INRIA.