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<span style="color:red">'''In progress! In progress! In progress!'''</span>

<span style="color:red">This page contains the specification for the publication list, which is included in the yearly Activity Report (Tätigkeitsbericht) of the MPI HH. It represents the status quo in HH. The specification is discussed in detail with the MPI in Munich. The MPI in Munich generally agrees with the specifications. Variations of the MPI in Munich are indicated. This is just a first draft which is variefied by and discussed with the MPDL.</span>
<span style="color:red">This page contains the specification for the publication list, which is included in the yearly Activity Report (Tätigkeitsbericht) of the MPI HH. It represents the status quo in HH. The specification is discussed in detail with the MPI in Munich. The MPI in Munich generally agrees with the specifications. Variations of the MPI in Munich are indicated. This is just a first draft which is variefied by and discussed with the MPDL.</span>

Revision as of 13:11, 18 January 2011

This is a protected page.

This page contains the specification for the publication list, which is included in the yearly Activity Report (Tätigkeitsbericht) of the MPI HH. It represents the status quo in HH. The specification is discussed in detail with the MPI in Munich. The MPI in Munich generally agrees with the specifications. Variations of the MPI in Munich are indicated. This is just a first draft which is variefied by and discussed with the MPDL.

List structure[edit]

The list is separated in two main sections:

  • Authorships
  • Editorships


Request syntax[edit]

The list might be produced by one request with many parameters or by several requests (e.g. one for each scientist section- approximately 60 requests)


Search parameters “Authorships”[edit]

All publications of the context “xxx”
date=published-online within a specific period of time (usually: 1 year)
creator affiliation=Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht respectively Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht
creator role=author

Sorting parameters “Authorships”[edit]

1. sorting level:
by creator (family-name), alphabetically (ascending)

2. sorting level:
If an author has published more than one item within the specific period of time the items should be displayed by genre type in the auhors’ section in the following order:

  1. genre type=monograph MUC: to be displayed in a seperate list; Priority: NICE
  2. genre type=thesis MUC: to be displayed in a seperate list; Priority: NICE
  3. genretype=contribution-to-commentary
  4. genre type=contribution-to-festschrift
  5. genre type=contribution-to-collected-edition
  6. genre type=conference-paper
  7. genre-type=contribution-to-handbook
  8. genre-type=contribution-to-encyclopedia
  9. genre-type=article
  10. genre-type=case-note
  11. genre-type=case-study
  12. genre-type=book-review
  13. genre-type=discussion-report
  14. genre-type=newspaper-article
  15. genre–type=conference-report

3. sorting level:
If there are several items of one genre-type, the most recent one should be displayed first.


Search parameters "Editorships"[edit]

All publications of the context “xxx”
date=published-online within a specific period of time (usually: 1 year)
creator affiliation=Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht respectiveley Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht
creator role=editor

Please note: creator is requested– NOT source.creator

Sorting parameters “Editorships”[edit]

1. Section (“Sammel- und Tagungsbände") MUC:(“Herausgeber- und Verfasserwerke")

1. sorting level:
alphabetically (ascending) by creator (family-name)

2. sorting level:
If an editor has published more than one item within the specific period of time the items should be displayed by genre-type in the editors’ section in the following order:

  1. genre-type=monograph (only in MUC)
  2. genre-type=collected-edition
  3. genre-type=commentary
  4. genre-type=handbook
  5. genre-type=proceedings

2. Section (“Zeitschriften, Schriftenreihen, Material- und Gesetzessammlungen")MUC: does not need the 2. section

1. sorting level:
alphabetically (ascending) by creator (family-name)

2. sorting level:
If an editor has published more than one item within the specific period of time the items should be displayed by genre-type in the editors’ section in the following order:

  1. genre-type=journal
  2. genre-type=series

Adaptation of the JUS-Citation style[edit]

Basic rules[edit]

  • c for the localized strings the German terms should be used (the Activity Report is published in German)
  • f/c every creator is displayed in Italic Style (NOT the source.creator(s))
  • c if the creator role=editor the role ("(ed.)") should NOT be displayed in the citation style (this rule is NOT valid for source.creator(s))

Citation style for one-author-items / publication sections of one author[edit]

Priority HH: HIGH
Priority MUC: HIGH

  • f if several items of the same creator (role=author or editor) exist, the first creator should be displayed just once- in the beginning of the citation style of his first publication
  • f for any additional publication of the same creator, family-name and given-name should NOT be displayed
  • f instead of familiy-name/given-name the citation style starts with a dash

e.g. (Publications of Clemens Trautmann):

Trautmann, Clemens, Anwendung ausländischen Rechts, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (Hg.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Bd. I, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009, 83 - 87.
– Ermittlung ausländischen Rechts, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (Hg.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Bd. I, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009, 444 - 448.
– Folgerecht (droit de suite), in: Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Bd. I, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009, 612 - 615.

Citation style for all genre-types published in journals (article, case-study, case-note, book-review, discussion-report)[edit]

Priority HH: NICE
Priority MUC: NICE

  • c for source.genre-type=journal the title followed by the title.alternative type=abbreviated in square brackets should be displayed.
  • c if no abbreviated title exists, only the journal title is displayed.

e.g. (display of the abbreviated title):

Fleckner, Andreas M.; Klaus J. Hopt; Christoph Kumpan; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den

Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

Citation style for multi-author-items[edit]

  • f any item with multiple authors should be multiplied once for each author (Priority HH: HIGH); (Priority MUC: HIGH)
  • f multiple-author items are always displayed in the end of the section of a specific author (the items, for which he is the only author are displayed first)
  • f the item should be displayed once in the section of each author (Priority HH: HIGH); (Priority MUC: HIGH)
  • c the suffix “(together with XXX)” in the end of the citation style is not needed for the citation style used for the Activity Report (Priority HH: MIDI); (Priority MUC: HIGH)
  • if several authors are involved, all authors should be displayed in alphabetical order
       first creator: family-name, given-name 
       additional creators: given-name family-name 
  • all authors are displayed in an alphabetical order - even if there are more than three authors

  • c the names of the authors should be separated by a semicolon (Priority HH: NICE); (Priority MUC: NICE)

e.g. (section “Fleckner”):
Fleckner, Andreas M.; Klaus J. Hopt; Christoph Kumpan; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

e.g. (section „Hopt“):
Hopt, Klaus J.; Andreas M. Fleckner; Christoph Kumpan; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

e.g. (section „Kumpan“):
Kumpan, Christoph; Klaus J. Hopt; Andreas Fleckner; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

e.g. (section „Steffek“):
Steffek, Felix; Klaus J. Hopt; Andreas Fleckner; Christoph Kumpan, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

  • f a specific combination of author names is just displayed once, from the second publication on the authors should not be displayed- instead the dash is displayed (Priority HH: HIGH); (Priority MUC: HIGH)

e.g. (two publications by the same two-author-combination):
Bedkowski, Dorothea; Holger Fleischer, Aktien- und kapitalmarktrechtliche Probleme des Pilot Fishing bei Börsengängen und
Kapitalerhöhungen, Der Betrieb [DB] 2009, 2195 – 2200.
– „Say on Pay“ im deutschen Aktienrecht: Das neue Vergütungsvotum der Hauptversammlung nach § 120 Abs. 4 AktG, Die
Aktiengesellschaft [AG] 2009, 677 – 686.

Citation style for book reviews[edit]

Priority HH: MIDI
Priority MUC: NICE

  • c/f bitte trennen the citation style of items with genre type=book-review should be preceded by “Review of: “ (in Italic Style)
e.g. first review of a specific author:
Illmer, Martin, Rezension: Peter Huber/Alastair Mullis, The CISG. A new textbook for students and practitioners, Munich 2007,
Internationales Handelsrecht [IHR] 2009, 140.
e.g. additional review of a specific author:
- Rezension: Heinz Macher; Dieter Buchberger; Susanne Kalss; Martin Oppitz (Hg.), Investmentfondsgesetz. Kommentar,
Bank Verlag, Wien 2008, 1560 S., Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 1915.