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And verify in browser that you reach the escidocadmin server, and that the escidocadmin server sees the coreservice server
And verify in browser that you reach the escidocadmin server, and that the escidocadmin server sees the coreservice server

[[{{ns:image}}:Escidocadmin_running.png|alt text]]


Revision as of 11:19, 18 January 2012

Step-by-Step Installation of ESciDocAdmin[edit]



  1. Python V2.4.x
  2. A running instance of ESciDoc v.1.2.x

 escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:14:48 ~ > pwd
 escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:16:01 ~ > python -V
 Python 2.4.2
 escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:16:08 ~ > wget http://nims-coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/
 --11:16:27--  http://nims-coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/
          => `index.html'
 Auflösen des Hostnamen »nims-coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de«....
 Verbindungsaufbau zu nims-coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de||:8080... verbunden.
 HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 200 OK

Setup a new Virtualenv environment[edit]

 escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:26:00 ~ > virtualenv escidocadmin-muster
 New python executable in escidocadmin-muster/bin/python
 Installing setuptools.............done.

and activate the virtual environment.

 escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:28:18 ~ > . escidocadmin-muster/bin/activate
 (escidocadmin-muster)escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:28:36 ~ >

Install Escidocadmin from svn repository[edit]

 (escidocadmin-muster)escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:35:01 ~/escidocadmin-muster > pwd
 (escidocadmin-muster)escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:35:10 ~/escidocadmin-muster > svn co https://subversion1.escidoc.mpg.de/admin/trunk/escidocadmin
 ... checkout of many files follows ...
 Ausgecheckt, Revision 222

Modify configuration files[edit]

 (escidocadmin-muster)escidocadmin@vm21:1 11:54:59 ~/escidocadmin-muster/escidocadmin > cp test.cfg dev.cfg

difference after editing

 (escidocadmin-muster)escidocadmin@vm21:1 12:07:54 ~/escidocadmin-muster/escidocadmin > diff  test.cfg dev.cfg
 --- test.cfg	2012-01-18 11:35:00.000000000 +0100
 +++ dev.cfg	2012-01-18 12:03:50.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Some server parameters that you may want to tweak
-# server.socket_port=8080

Explanation of changes.

  1. change framework host to the url of the running escidoc coreservice instance
  2. comment out server.webpath (only useful if running behind apache)
  3. change server.socket_port to a free listen portnumber (that you can reach from your browser (firewalls)

Start the Server in Development mode[edit]

 (escidocadmin-muster)escidocadmin@vm21:1 12:08:00 ~/escidocadmin-muster/escidocadmin > python start-escidocadmin.py

And verify in browser that you reach the escidocadmin server, and that the escidocadmin server sees the coreservice server

alt text