Talk:ViRR Scope

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ToDo's and comments for each Release:

FIRST PHASE - Publication of the digital collection[edit]

Release one[edit]

  1. Ingestion
    • scans --> derive from file structure a basic skeleton of toc
    • bibliographic metadata: MAB mapping to MODS
    • structural metadata: eSciDoc container
    • derive basic keywords from bibliographic metadata
  2. Browsing (basic)
    • sorted browsing tree (multi-volume works, parts and pages)
  3. Display (basic)
    • basic bibliographic metadata (name of book, page)
    • scans in detailed view



  • Ingestion of scans (incl. derivation of a basic skeleton of the books)
    • Naming convention of the files
      e: einband (always e1-e4, two for the front cover and two for the back cover)
      v: vorgebundene, nichtbedruckte Seiten (always after the front cover)
      d: derivate (content pages)
      n: nachgebundenen Seiten (always after the content pages)
    • Basic skeleton already includes three levels:
      1. multi-volume work, e.g. "Vollständiges corpus gravaminum evangelicorum"
      2. part (volume) Vollständiges corpus gravaminum evangelicorum. Band 7
      3. pages
  • Ingestion of bibliographic data: mapping of MAB to MODS
  • Rework / clarification of the container format in eSciDoc (dev. Team) as basis for the METS profile
    • Relation between the eSciDoc container format and the METS profile for ViRR (first draft based on Ingas mapping ebinds <=> METS?)
  • Functional prototype for Display and Browsing
  • Start collecting requirements for the viewing environment DigiLib and set up meeting with user group (Contact@FIZ: Frank Schwichtenberg) (Kristina, Tobias)

Release two[edit]

  1. Editing
    • enrich toc sceleton with information on chapters (i.e. bundles)(e.g. page 1-5 = chapter 1)
    • add metadata about the chapters, e.g. keywords

ToDo (Discussion):

  • editing via simple edit mask or already with METS editor (selection of Editor depends on eSciDoc METS profile)
  • prepare a first draft of the eSciDoc METS profile (based on bibliographic data needed, descriptive data needed), based on the basic METS metadata required by the DFG viewer
  • decide on recommended METS online xml editor for the acquisition of structural data (which can also be used offline if possible)
    1. GOOBI for METS (expectations of the institute: creation of METS conform XML files)
    2. Docworks: Meta-e cooperation with css (is not interesting if it works with an automatic recognition)
    3. Shame
  • prepare requirements for FIZ for the METS integration

Release three[edit]

  1. Browsing (detailed)
    • extension of the alphabetical browsing tree (chapters)
    • chronological navigation on book and/or chapter level?(depends on descriptive Metadata! )
    • paginator (for lists)
    • paging for images (i.e. "im Buch blaettern")
  2. Display (detailed)
    • integration of digilib functionalities (minimum: zoom in, zoom out)
    • dynamic generation and integration of "identification stamp" ("Herkunftsnachweis") on the images (whole image, selected part of image) --> new Digilib requirement
  3. Search
    • simple search (one search field "any field")
    • advanced search (several special search fields, e.g. one for title, one for author)

Release four[edit]

  1. Functional definition of eSciDoc METS profile
    • needed for import / export
  2. Export
    • image selection
    • downloading of selected images(in separate jpgs)
    • downloading of selected images(in one pdf with a cover page)
    • downloading selected part of an image
    • downloading of METS-xml
  3. Display keywords as list (cf. Index in a book)
  4. Persistent Identifier (PID)

Release ???[edit]

required for DFG

  1. Collection description
  2. URN handling (in the context of an assignment of parts to a multi-volume work)

ToDo (Discussion):

  • Evaluation of the results from JHOVE on the images.

SECOND PHASE - Virtual research environment[edit]

Following is a list of requirements ...detailed release planning will come at a later stage.

  • Ingestion of all 15 available books
  • Workflow for edition process of collection, incl. metadata, images, annotations, external sources (upload, editing, annotating, scientific review etc.)
  • User Management to support workflow
  • Fulltext transcription online (offline client at later stage) - in METS
  • Ingestion/Upload of additional books (digital images + bibliographic metadata) - local resources, BBAW-DTA
  • Adding and editing of bibliographic and descriptive metadata
  • Adding annotations / comments
  • Adding relations
  • Integration of external resources (Deutsches Rechtswoerterbuch/Heidelberg)
  • Creation and maintenance of synonyms
  • Offering metadata to the ZVDD(zentrales Verzeichnis digitalisierter Drucke) and other virtual libraries - OAI interface for the exchange of metadata
  • Sitemap protocol for crawlers
  • Integration of research literature for download (bibliographic lists? articles?)
  • Linking to other digital archives / OPACs /research projects
  • Delivery of one complete dataset for the DNB for long term archiving

ToDo (Discussion):

  • Structural analyzes of the data of the Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch
  • Analyzes of the requirements of the ZVDD
  • Text editor for the creation of transcriptions is needed

THIRD PHASE - Productive environment[edit]

  • Preparation of productive environment (hardware, support, policies)
  • Offline tool for image processing to improve image quality
  • Fulltext transcription in TEI?
  • Additional functionality for historisch-kritische Editionsarbeit?
  • Concept ViRR for other local/MPG projects (e.g. Policey-Ordnung)