User talk:Inga/container tocs

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Natasa's feedback[edit]

As some example, check: - this is the "overall" Toc of all collections (that represent so to say first level collection of ECHO repository. This would mean that whenever any of the collection of ECHO is changed, and each has its own editor, somehow this would have immediately to affect this TOC - maybe this is very nice automatism, but to use it in "network" like environment may become very complicated :). --Natasa 11:04, 14 March 2008 (CET)

Natasa, I have no clue what you mean with "this" - because my sentence/thought where you added it wasn't finished that time. If I understand you right, your point is that a TOC should be independent from its container and you have two arguments for this concept:
  • TOCs should be producible by all users and not only by the editors of the specific digital collection.
    Please note that I would interpret your example to be an "authoritative" TOC provided by ECHO (the producers of the digital content). The ECHO committee decides which items/collections to display and how to position them on the page. This is an implicit part of the ECHO site (= container) and changing this overview is in fact changing this specific container. If external users want to create their own TOC on the same content (or only a subset of it) they do so (e.g., but this aggregation is not delivered as TOC for the original digital collection(s).
  • A change in the lower structure should not effect the superior TOC
    I agree with that, but this question is more related to the dependencies eSciDoc would like to build between containers and items