Solutions User groups

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Revision as of 10:12, 16 June 2008 by Kristina (talk | contribs)
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Faces User groups[edit]

ViRR User groups[edit]

Browsing (R1):

  1. Scientist
  2. External User

Editing (R2):

  1. Librarian
    • Currently one person (M.F.)
    • Knows the original books
    • Decides which structural elements are relevant to be part of the table of contents of one book
    • Prepares the book for the scientist, who will work on the books afterwards (but not with the editing interface)
    • Is used to the eBinds editor (documentation can be found here).
    • Likes to have an environment for the editing of metadata the like Goobi (--> Category "Metadaten erfassen").

PubMan User groups[edit]



External User