Talk:ViRR Editing

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A small glossary for the used terms can be found under Miscellaneous.
NOTE: Please enter all comments concerning the use cases here on the discussion page.

UC_VR_ED_01 Edit pagination[edit]

  • Wird es nicht moeglich sein, einfach mal einen einzelnen Label einzutragen? --Inga 16:17, 29 July 2008 (UTC)
  • Is "numeration" used for the same concept than "pagination" or is there any difference? --Inga 16:19, 29 July 2008 (UTC)
  • Re-phrasing proposal for step 3:
    "The user selects a page where he wants to start a physical numeration, (optionally) a page where he wants to end the numeration and either "arabische Zahlen" or "römische Zahlen" as type of the physical numeration. If no end page has been provided, the physical numeration should be applied till the end of the volume or monograph."
    -> dann wuerde die Alternative zu Step 3 gehören (mit "unnumeriert") und Step 4 würde nur noch heissen "The user enters the starting number for the numeration." --Inga 16:39, 29 July 2008 (UTC)
  • Have you considered to explicitly specify the input validation, i.e. if the provided starting page is a number (see UC_PM_SM_12_file_upload, step 1.4 as example) --Inga 16:44, 29 July 2008 (UTC)

UC_VR_ED_04 Create structural element[edit]

UC_VR_ED_05 Edit structural element[edit]

UC_VR_ED_06 Delete structural element[edit]

UC_VR_ED_07 Edit structural content[edit]

UC_VR_ED_08 Release structural content[edit]

UC_VR_ED_09 Modify structural content[edit]

UC_VR_ED_10 Edit bibliographic metadata[edit]