PubMan Func Spec Submission/Spires Mapping

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Spires - PubMan Mapping[edit]

High-Energy Physics Literature Database.


Spires Element PubMan Metadata Set Comment
results -- Wrapper
document Publication set type="conference paper"
title Publication.Title
doi Publication.Identifier set Type="dcterms:DOI"
authaffgrp -- Wrapper Publication.Creator set role = "Author"
authaffgrp.aff Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Name
collaboration -- Not mapped
journal Publication.Source set type="journal" Wrapper Publication.Source.Title
journal.volume Publication.Source.Volume Publication.Source.StartPage
journal.year -- Not mapped
citecount -- Not mapped
date Publication.Date (DateType = published online) ???
report_num Publication.Subject
pages TotalNumberOfPages
spicite -- Not mapped
eprint Publication.Identifier (Type="URI")
spires_key Publication.Identifier (Type="Other") Use Prefix spires (like spires:123)
conference -- Wrapper
conference.Name Publication.Event.Title
conference.slac_cnum -- Not mapped
conference.dates Not mapped Date Format like 20070902
conference.dater Publication.Event.StartDate Date Format like 2-7 Sep 2007
conference.address Publication.Event.Place
conference.submit Not mapped As this is freetext, it is hard to map


Do we actually have to handle them different? As the user decides what items he wants to import into PubMan. --Kleinfercher 09:21, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
Unfortunatly i can not fetch this information, this service seems to be for displaying purpose only.--Kleinfercher 14:37, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
  • SPIRES is going to implement a OAI-pmh till end of 2009.

XML Examples[edit]


  • I found items in the repositorys which do not have a standard identifier (We won't be able to fetch them)

Possible Identifiers[edit]

  1. arXiv ID (arXiv:0812.2902)
  2. arxiv ID old (hep-ph/0001001)
  3. DOI (10.1016/J.NIMA.2008.08.135)
  4. Spires Internal (7999488)

The dataAcquisition service will be enhanced as it now accepts diffenerent identifier types for one source. For Spires it will accept arxiv identifier and DOI.

(I think Spires internal identifier will not be used)
