Talk:PubMan Func Spec Visibility

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Revision as of 18:17, 25 March 2009 by Inga (talk | contribs)
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Visibility for item components[edit]

Both, "privat" and "audience" can have restriction "embargo", which means, if a user is not the 
owner of an item but has special rights to access the component(s) of this item, the respective 
component(s) are not visible to the user until the embargo time is over.

I assume that this feature would be wanted for "public" as well --Inga 18:17, 25 March 2009 (UTC)

Assign visibility level for component(s)[edit]

Who are the users "with user role privileged viewer"? --Inga 18:12, 25 March 2009 (UTC)