Peer: Author Deposit

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This page contains the specification of author deposits in the PEER project.

---- Work in progress ----

The Author Deposit Scenario[edit]

Submission of Publications[edit]

Author deposit interface will be developed by MPDL.

  • Simple Webform
  • Possibility to upload a file
  • Submission protected by capture
  • Controlled Vocabulary of the participating journal names
  • Simple validation
  • Simple xml with metadata packed with the pdf will be send to INRIA via FTP

Processing and Deposit of Publications[edit]

All further steps (including duplicate check) will be developed by INRIA.

Open Questions[edit]

  • Were will the simple deposit form be hosted?
  • What is needed for validation? (pdf mandatory, what else?)
  • How does the xml look like

Additional Information[edit]

  • MPDL will not store any deposits, if the PEER Depot is not available the author attempt will be unsuccessful.