JusCMS Func Spec Publication List for Activity Report

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List structure[edit]

The list is separated in two main sections:

  • Authorships
  • Editorships


Request syntax[edit]

The list might be produced by one request with many parameters or by several requests (e.g. one for each scientist section- approximately 60 requests)


Search parameters “Authorships”[edit]

All publications of the context “xxx”
date=published-online within a specific period of time (usually: 1 year)
creator affiliation=Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht respectively Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht
creator role=author

Sorting parameters “Authorships”[edit]

1. sorting level:
by creator (family-name), alphabetically (ascending)

2. sorting level:
If an author has published more than one item within the specific period of time the items should be displayed by genre type in the auhors’ section in the following order:

  1. genre type=monograph MUC: to be displayed in a seperate list; Priority: NICE
  2. genre type=thesis MUC: to be displayed in a seperate list; Priority: NICE
  3. genretype=contribution-to-commentary
  4. genre type=contribution-to-festschrift
  5. genre type=contribution-to-collected-edition
  6. genre type=conference-paper
  7. genre-type=contribution-to-handbook
  8. genre-type=contribution-to-encyclopedia
  9. genre-type=article
  10. genre-type=case-note
  11. genre-type=case-study
  12. genre-type=book-review
  13. genre-type=discussion-report
  14. genre-type=newspaper-article
  15. genre–type=conference-report

3. sorting level:
If there are several items of one genre-type, the most recent one should be displayed first.


Search parameters "Editorships"[edit]

All publications of the context “xxx”
date=published-online within a specific period of time (usually: 1 year)
creator affiliation=Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht respectiveley Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht
creator role=editor

Please note: creator is requested– NOT source.creator

Sorting parameters “Editorships”[edit]

1. Section (“Sammel- und Tagungsbände") MUC:(“Herausgeber- und Verfasserwerke")

1. sorting level:
alphabetically (ascending) by creator (family-name)

2. sorting level:
If an editor has published more than one item within the specific period of time the items should be displayed by genre-type in the editors’ section in the following order:

  1. genre-type=monograph (only in MUC)
  2. genre-type=collected-edition
  3. genre-type=commentary
  4. genre-type=handbook
  5. genre-type=proceedings

2. Section (“Zeitschriften, Schriftenreihen, Material- und Gesetzessammlungen")MUC: does not need the 2. section

1. sorting level:
alphabetically (ascending) by creator (family-name)

2. sorting level:
If an editor has published more than one item within the specific period of time the items should be displayed by genre-type in the editors’ section in the following order:

  1. genre-type=journal
  2. genre-type=series

Adaptation of the JUS-Citation style[edit]

Basic rules[edit]

  • c for the localized strings the German terms should be used (the Activity Report is published in German)
  • f/c every creator is displayed in Italic Style (NOT the source.creator(s))
  • c if the creator role=editor the role ("(ed.)") should NOT be displayed in the citation style (this rule is NOT valid for source.creator(s))

Citation style for one-author-items / publication sections of one author[edit]

Priority HH: HIGH
Priority MUC: HIGH

  • f if several items of the same creator (role=author or editor) exist, the first creator should be displayed just once- in the beginning of the citation style of his first publication
  • f for any additional publication of the same creator, family-name and given-name should NOT be displayed
  • f instead of familiy-name/given-name the citation style starts with a dash

e.g. (Publications of Clemens Trautmann):

Trautmann, Clemens, Anwendung ausländischen Rechts, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (Hg.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Bd. I, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009, 83 - 87.
– Ermittlung ausländischen Rechts, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (Hg.), Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Bd. I, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009, 444 - 448.
– Folgerecht (droit de suite), in: Handwörterbuch des Europäischen Privatrechts, Bd. I, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2009, 612 - 615.

Citation style for all genre-types published in journals (article, case-study, case-note, book-review, discussion-report)[edit]

Priority HH: NICE
Priority MUC: NICE

  • c for source.genre-type=journal the title followed by the title.alternative type=abbreviated in square brackets should be displayed.
  • c if no abbreviated title exists, only the journal title is displayed.

e.g. (display of the abbreviated title):

Fleckner, Andreas M.; Klaus J. Hopt; Christoph Kumpan; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den

Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

Citation style for multi-author-items[edit]

  • f any item with multiple authors should be multiplied once for each author (Priority HH: HIGH); (Priority MUC: HIGH)
  • f multiple-author items are always displayed in the end of the section of a specific author (the items, for which he is the only author are displayed first)
  • f the item should be displayed once in the section of each author (Priority HH: HIGH); (Priority MUC: HIGH)
  • c the suffix “(together with XXX)” in the end of the citation style is not needed for the citation style used for the Activity Report (Priority HH: MIDI); (Priority MUC: HIGH)
  • if several authors are involved, all authors should be displayed in alphabetical order
       first creator: family-name, given-name 
       additional creators: given-name family-name 
  • all authors are displayed in an alphabetical order - even if there are more than three authors

  • c the names of the authors should be separated by a semicolon (Priority HH: NICE); (Priority MUC: NICE)

e.g. (section “Fleckner”):
Fleckner, Andreas M.; Klaus J. Hopt; Christoph Kumpan; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

e.g. (section „Hopt“):
Hopt, Klaus J.; Andreas M. Fleckner; Christoph Kumpan; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

e.g. (section „Kumpan“):
Kumpan, Christoph; Klaus J. Hopt; Andreas Fleckner; Felix Steffek, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

e.g. (section „Steffek“):
Steffek, Felix; Klaus J. Hopt; Andreas Fleckner; Christoph Kumpan, Kontrollerlangung über systemrelevante Banken nach den
Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetzen (FMStG/FMStErgG), Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 821 - 834.

  • f a specific combination of author names is just displayed once, from the second publication on the authors should not be displayed- instead the dash is displayed (Priority HH: HIGH); (Priority MUC: HIGH)

e.g. (two publications by the same two-author-combination):
Bedkowski, Dorothea; Holger Fleischer, Aktien- und kapitalmarktrechtliche Probleme des Pilot Fishing bei Börsengängen und
Kapitalerhöhungen, Der Betrieb [DB] 2009, 2195 – 2200.
– „Say on Pay“ im deutschen Aktienrecht: Das neue Vergütungsvotum der Hauptversammlung nach § 120 Abs. 4 AktG, Die
Aktiengesellschaft [AG] 2009, 677 – 686.

Citation style for book reviews[edit]

Priority HH: MIDI
Priority MUC: NICE

  • c/f bitte trennen the citation style of items with genre type=book-review should be preceded by “Review of: “ (in Italic Style)
e.g. first review of a specific author:
Illmer, Martin, Rezension: Peter Huber/Alastair Mullis, The CISG. A new textbook for students and practitioners, Munich 2007,
Internationales Handelsrecht [IHR] 2009, 140.
e.g. additional review of a specific author:
- Rezension: Heinz Macher; Dieter Buchberger; Susanne Kalss; Martin Oppitz (Hg.), Investmentfondsgesetz. Kommentar,
Bank Verlag, Wien 2008, 1560 S., Wertpapier-Mitteilungen [WM] 2009, 1915.