PubMan Func Spec Display

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The PubMan application will support different display types, which can be selected for item lists or single item views.

General information on item/item list display[edit]

  • Fields are only displayed, when they are filled.
  • Language flags are only being shown in the single item view
  • The order of elements is decided by GUI.
  • As string for title and/or number of creators might be too long for proper display, strings might be cutted after 100 characters or cutted at word boundaries.(GUI decision)

Item list displays[edit]


Status: implemented

Schedule: R2



  • If creator is of type person, display: <Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName>, <Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName>
  • If creator is of type organization, display: <Publication.Creator.Organization.Name>
  • Creators are shown in one row and separated by semicolon. They are displayed in the same order as they have been entered.


  • Only one date value is displayed
  • If more than one <date> is available, the display of the dates follows the priority:

<Publication.Date.DateType = published in print>

<Publication.Date.DateType = published online>

<Publication.Date.DateType = accepted>

<Publication.Date.DateType = submitted>

<Publication.Date.DateType = modified>

<Publication.Date.DateType = created>


Number of the Files

  • If a file exists, display a fulltext symbol and show the number of attached files


Status: implemented

Schedule: R2



<Publication.title> [font type: bold]

Publication.Creator and Publication.Creator.Person.Organization

  • Publication.Creator
    • Please start a new line after each creator. The display of creators might be limeted for the default view, but it should be possible to view all creators also.
    • please display them in the order, they have been entered into the system
    • If creator is of type person, display <Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName>[, ] <Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName>.
    • If creator of type organization, display <Publication.Creator.Organization.Name>
    • If creator is of type person and if the person has an affiliated organization (Publication.Creator.Person.Organization), then display a small number behind the Given Name. This numbers are numerated and beginning with 1.
    • Express the creator role of the creator.
  • Publication.Creator.Person.Organization
    • Display each information in a seperate row:





  • all dates are displayed
  • Order of dates:





<Publication.Date.DateType=published online>

<Publication.Date.DateType=published in print>

  • Display: Date <Datetype>: YYYY-MM-DD


  • Display:

Genre: <Genre>


  • Display:

Degree Type: <Degree>


  • Display:

Publishing Info: <Place>:<Publisher>



  • Display:

Total number of pages:<TotalNumberOfPages>


  • Display:

Title of Event: <Event.Title>


  • Publication.Source.Genre
    • Display:

Genre of Source:<Source>

  • Publication.Source.Title
    • Display:

Title of Source: <Title>

  • Publication.Source.Creator
    • Display:

Source Creator: [same as above, Publication.Creator]

  • Publication.Source.Volume/Publication.Source.Issue
    • Display:

Volume/Issue: <Volume>, (<Issue>)

  • Publication.Source.StartPage/Publication.Source.EndPage
    • Display:

Start/Endpage: <StartPage> - <EndPage>

  • Publication.Source.SequenceNumber
    • Display:

Sequence Number: <SequenceNumber>

  • Publication.Source.PublishingInfo
    • Display:

Publishing Info: <Place>: <Publisher>

Edition: <Edition>

  • Publication.Source.Identifier
    • Display:

<IdType>: <identifier>

File information

  • Display:

For each file, display the same fulltext symbol as in short item view. plus additional file information:

<name of file>

<content category>

<size of file>



  • If list is result of a search, display the text fragments with the highlighted search term. The text fragment contains the search term and 10 words before and after the highlighted hit.


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule: to be defined

The full display on lists contains the complete metadata and item data.

Item version displays[edit]

Item version (status pending, submitted, released)[edit]

  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule: R3

Item version (status withdrawn)[edit]

  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule: R3


In all display types, a COinS has to be provided for each item. A COinSis the representation of bibliographic information for this item in an HTML span element by re-using the key-value elements defined in the OpenURL standard.