Escidoc Building and Developing Environment
Build infrastructure[edit]
The build infrastructure consists of several servers and tools to support all developers and
testers of the escidoc project in the development process.
The build process is supported by several servers:
- Archiva, which holds all the binary artifacts (including external and internal binary dependencies)
- Continuum, a testing server for nightly builds, unit- and integration testing, releases
- Maven, a software project management and comprehension tool, used for building, testing and release management
- Subversion, a source control management tool, with the following repositories:
Release management[edit]
The release management takes care of building new releases which are automatically transferred to archiva to make it available to the public.
The eSciDoc Release Lifecycle is responsible that any tasks involved are correctly implemented.
Setting up the workstation[edit]
In oder to work on a specific project, you need to setup your workstation to contribute your effort. These Howtos shall help you to install maven and include your favourite IDE in the developing process.
Deploy own libraries to archiva
To deploy own external libraries to archiva, use the following instructions in a shell:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=<groupid> -DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version-number> -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl= -DrepositoryId=deployment.webdav
But remember:
- Before uploading any libraries, check if the artifact you wish to upload is already in the repository. Use the Find artifact functionality of archiva to ensure this.
- If the upload fails, check if you have the permissions to upload artifacts to the internal archiva repository
Project webpage[edit]
The project webpage is a useful information resource for developers or any other interested people. The project webpage contains useful information on the build environment, source code access, javadocs, code analysis etc.
All the information of a project is visible on an apache server by project. Currently these are:
Most of the data on the project webpage is created automatically by maven itself. If you want to add your own content to the project webpage or modify an exsiting one, take a look at the Maven project site guide.