Talk:ViRR Browse and Display

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A small glossary for the used terms can be found under Miscellaneous.
NOTE: Please enter all comments concerning the use cases on this discussion page.

UC_VR_BD_01 Browse content[edit]

What is meant with "notation"? This term is not explained under Miscellaneous --Inga 14:51, 29 July 2008 (UTC)

UC_VR_BD_02 View multivolume details[edit]

UC_VR_BD_03 View volume or monograph details[edit]

UC_VR_BD_04 Browse volume or monograph[edit]

What is a "physical page" and do other pages exist? --Inga 15:00, 29 July 2008 (UTC)

UC_VR_BD_05 View picture[edit]

UC_VR_BD_06 View table of contents[edit]

UC_VR_BD_07 View pages in DFG Viewer[edit]

UC_VR_BD_08 View editors workspace[edit]