PubMan Func Spec Submission/PubMed Central Mapping

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PubMed Central - PubMan Mapping[edit]

This mapping is related to the Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set Tag Library version 2.3


PubMed Central Element PubMan Metadata Set Occurrence Attribute Description
article Publication set type="article" and
Publication.Source set type="journal"
once -- Root envelope
journal-id if journal-id-type= issn:
Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="eidt:ISSN"
if journal-id-type= doi:
Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="dcterms:DOI"
else: Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="other ???"
once journal-id-type identifier for the journal
journal-title Publication.Source.Title zero or many The title of the journal
journal-subtitle Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle zero or many The subtitle of the journal
trans-title Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle zero or many content-type, id, xml:lang An alternative version of a title that has been translated into a language other than that of the original title
trans-subtitle Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle zero or many content-type, id, xml:lang An alternative version of a subtitle that has been translated into a language other than that of the original subtitle
abbrev-journal-title Publication.Source.AlternativeTitle zero or many abbrev-type A short form of the title of the journal
issn Publication.Source.Identifier set Type="eidt:ISSN" zero or many International Standard Series Number
publisher-name Publication.Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher once
publisher-loc Publication.Source.PublishingInfo.Place zero or once
article-id if pub-id-type= issn:
Publication.Identifier set Type="ISSN"
if pub-id-type= doi:
Publication.Identifier set Type="dcterms:DOI"
else: Publication.Identifier set Type="other ???"
zero or many pub-id-type
subject Publication.Subject once or many content-type Name of one subject
article-title Publication.Title once id, xml:lang The full title of a article
subtitle Publication.AlternativeTitle zero or many content-type, xml:lang The subtitle of a article
trans-title Publication.AlternativeTitle zero or many content-type, id, xml:lang An alternative version of an article title that has been translated into a language other than that of the original article title
trans-subtitle Publication.AlternativeTitle zero or many content-type, id, xml:lang An alternative version of an article subtitle that has been translated into a language other than that of the original article subtitle
alt-title Publication.AlternativeTitle zero or many alt-title-type An alternative or “different” version of an article title
contrib creatortype = person
if contrib-type=author or Author
Publication.Creator set role = "Author"
if contrib-type= editor or Editor
Publication.Creator set role = "Editor"
else: Publication.Creator set role = "Contributer"
once or many contrib-type, corresp, deceased, equal-contrib, id, rid, xlink:actuate, xlink:href, xlink:role, xlink:show, xlink:title, xlink:type, xmlns:xlink Wrapper element to contain the information about a single contributor
surname Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName once initials The surname of a person
given-names Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName zero or once initials The surname of a person
in here we take all given names and concatenate them into the GivenName of the person?
This tag contains one String with all person names. We will put them all in our givenName field--Kleinfercher 10:04, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
aff Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Name, Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Identifier=<external organization identifier> once content-type, id, rid the affiliation for a contributor
addr-line Publication.Creator.Person.Organization.Adress zero or once content-type An address
pub-date Publication.Date
if pub-type= epub: DateType = published online
if pub-type= ppub: DateType = published in print,
if pub-type= epub-ppub: DateType = published online & published in print
if pub-type=ecorrected: DateType = modified
if pub-type= pcorrected: DateType = modified
zero or many pub-type (epub, ppub, epub-ppub, epreprint, ppreprint, ecorrected, pcorrected, eretracted, pretracted) Date this article was published or released in one particular format
volume Publication.Source.Volume zero or once content-type, seq Number of a journal within a series
issue Publication.Source.Issue zero or once content-type, seq The issue number of a journal
issue-id If new Source Issue created, then
Publication.Source(2).Identifier = issue-id, type = mapping like journal-id type
zero or many content-type, pub-id-type Used to record a name or identifier, such as a DOI, that describes an entire issue of a journal
issue-title Create new Source with type Issue
Publication.Source(2).Title = issue-title
zero or many content-type Used to record the theme or special issue title for an issue of the journal (source of source)
ext-link File.Identifier
set type=URI, contentCategory= Supplementary Material
zero or many ...xlink:href, xlink:title... Link to an external file (Needs to be discussed further!!!)
self-uri Publication.Identifier set Type=URI zero or many ... The textual content of this element may be a URI
fpage Publication.Source.StartPage zero or once content-type, seq The page number on which an article starts
lpage Publication.Source.EndPage zero or once content-type The page number on which the article ends
page-range TotalNumberOfPages zero or once content-type A container element for additional page information to record discontinuous pages ranges
elocation-id Publication.Source.SequenceNumber zero or once content-type, seq Page identifier for an article that does not have traditional page numbers
abstract Publication.Abstract zero or once abstract-type, id, xml:lang
trans-abstract Publication.Abstract zero or once abstract-type, id, xml:lang
kwd Publication.Subject once or many id
conf-date Publication.Event.StartDate zero or many content-type
conf-name Publication.Event.Title zero or many content-type
conf-num Add to Publication.Event.AlternativeTitle zero or many content-type
conf-loc Publication.Event.Place zero or many content-type
conf-acronym Publication.Event.AlternativeTitle zero or many


  • The abstract element can contain markup which we have to parse out
  • The eSciDoc Identifier type list will be enhanced with PMCID

XML Examples[edit]
