Talk:ESciDoc Access Rights

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Meeting 19th march 2009: Consequences on eSciDoc Access rights on Enduser-features / "institutional visibility"

Submission Easy/Full[edit]

View item[edit]

  • type of access/visibility should be visible to all users
  • Improvement sorting: sort by items with attached fulltexts. within fulltexts, sort by visibilities (future development)

Admin solution (user roles, context)[edit]

  • extend use case create user: assign him either role audience or role collaboratr for specific context
  • extend use case create context: assign property "collaboration" for a complete context (i.e. all items in this context will be accessible/visible to all collaborators roles)
  • extend use case/new use case: create user group (all org unit users, specific account users)

QA - modify item[edit]

  • Visibility internal: can be accessed by QA role, but not viewed/opened by QA role. Does this make sense? Might be improvement for later. (not R5)
  • Possible improvement for standard workflwo: owner can always modify his own items, independent from state of item. (not R5)
  • Do we need QA workspace for Collaborator, as he can access and modify?=> Proposal simple solution: No need for own workspace. The items, where I have access to as collaborator, should be listed under "my items". In addition, we need filter method to sort by "my own items" (i.e. i am depositor/owner) and "items for which i am collaborator". If filtering is not possible, we have to add specific icons(or similar) for the two types of items (i.e. my items or collaborator items)
  • How to mark item as being accessible for collaborators or remove this possibility?: On view item page, we include new tab "collaboration". On this tab, QA role and Owner can see the item log (or parts of it, where collaborators have accessed and modified) and can add or remove the possibility for collaborators to access/modify this explicit item.In this context, he needs to have an info-button (link to context-sensitive help collaboration) to explain what does role collaborator mean.

In case the role for collaboration has been defined for the complete scope of a context, the item property "collaboration item" cannot be removed. In this case, an information has to be displayed that "collaboration" has been defined for complete scope.


Related ToDos:

  • PubMan Copyright => Update submission?
  • Look-up services => Update view item?