PubMan Func Spec WoS Mapping

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Web of Science[edit]

WoS elements[edit]

Web of Science Field Tags (Articles and Conference Proceedings) from WoK help:

Standard reference types[edit]

  • conference
  • book
  • journal
  • book in series
  • patent

(Web of Science Field Tags (Articles and Conference Proceedings) from WoK help:

In the ISI format, these types are (at least in WoS) abbreviated with a single capital letter (C, P, J, etc.). WoS doesn't contain books or patents, so only the types C/conference and J/journal are applicable here.

eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication[edit]

PubMan Metadata Sets#eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication

Mapping WoS to eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications (for WoS Import)[edit]

Mapping of Genres[edit]

Mapping of WoS Standard Entries[edit]

Links, further reading[edit]
