PubMan Func Spec Visibility

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Visibility for item components[edit]

Visibility levels for item components[edit]

There are two levels of visibility for components in PubMan:

  • "public" and
  • "private" (is to be renamed "restricted").

By default, component visibility level is set to "public" during easy and full submission.

For "restricted" there are two possibilities:

  • "privat" and
  • "audience".

Both, "privat" and "audience" can have restriction "embargo", which means, if a user is not the owner of an item but has special rights to access the component(s) of this item, the respective component(s) are not visible to the user until the embargo time is over.

  • public access means, any user of PubMan can access the item component and its content
  • restricted access means, only the owner of an item and selected users can access item component and its content
    • for private access this means, in addition to the owner of an item a user with user role "privileged viewer" can access the item component and its content
    • for audience access this means, in addition to the owner of an item users belonging to specific user groups can access the item component and its content

Assign visibility level for component(s)[edit]

  • As mentioned above, the system default visibility level for components is "public".
  • The user wants to change the visibility level.
  • The user chooses component visibility level "restricted".
  • The user chooses, if the restricted access should be "private" or "audience".
    • The user chooses the visibility level "private". Any user with user role privileged viewer for the item context can now access the item component and its content.
    • The user chooses the visibility level "audience".
      • The user can choose a user group from the list of user groups displayed. These user groups are based on organizational unit level. More than one organizational unit can belong to a user group. For the future, organizational units and single users can be mixed within a user group.
      • Any user within the chosen user group(s) can now access the item component and its content.
  • The visibility level for a component can be changed by the owner of the item and a user with QA role.

Visibility for items[edit]

Item visibility in PubMan depends on user roles. See Access rules for Items

If an item is in state "released" or "withdrawn", any user can see and access the item, i.e. the item skeleton and the metadata of the publication. Still, component visibility and access to content, i.e. access to full text of the respective publication, can be restricted according to the user role and visibility level of the component. See Access rules for Components

Collaborator user roles[edit]

The Collaborator is a user role that can be assigned to give user access on context level and item level. Access on component level will be possible in the future.

The Collaborator is split in two roles:

  • Collaborator who has only rights to view items in all states
  • Collaborator who has rights to view and modify