Talk:ESciDoc Solutions summary
How to make escidoc solutions reusable?[edit]
Currently, our solutions cannot be reused other than forking the projects because there are project-specifics in the source code as opposed to in configuration only.
This page may serve as a place to collect issues about what should be configurable.
The distinction between source code and configuration is understood as the distinction between what can be edited by a user (for a particular installation of a solution) and what comes with the solution package (of course a default configuration can be included in the package).
Obviously, there are more ways to extend the reusability of a solution, e.g. by providing a plugin mechanism.
Naming convention[edit]
Project-specifics should not be part of the software. Thus, the names of MPDL projects like virr and faces should not be used as package/file/any names in the solutions developed to address the project's software needs.
- Picture Management (according to Publication Management), short PicMan --Kristina 16:15, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
- DIOM - Digitized Images Online Management
- DIFE - Digitized Images for E-science
- OINK - Online Image Navigation Kit
- SCORPIO - SCientific Online Repository for Picture and Illustration Organization / SCientific Online Repository for Picture Interpretation and Organization
- SCORPION - SCientific Online Repository for Pictural and Illustrational Object Navigation
- DIMeS : Digital Image Management for eScience
- IDEA: Image Digitization, Editing and Archiving (nice as well: The e-Science IDEA)
- Image Digitization, Enhancement and Archiving
- DROMEDAR: Digitized Resources - Online Management, EDiting And Retrieval
- DEGRO: Digitized Editions of GEneric Resources Online
Configuring the user interface[edit]
- themes/skins
- mechanism to detect user supplied themes
Configurable GUI Tools[edit]
- Topic started already while ago, architectural changes are necessary. Not certain indeed if it belongs to this discussion
- Browsing tools
- Searching tools
- Metadata editing tools