Trip Report: ISI Visit 20071008

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Meeting with Reynold Guida, Director Product Development at Thomson Scientific, formerly known as Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)

Participants: Ralf Schimmer, Reynold Guida, Ben Bowman, Johann Bauer, Doro Mayer, Volker Kruppa, Anke Bruns, Jarmo Schrader, Antje Schmidt, Wolfgang Kurtz, Inga Overkamp

Summary: The meeting focused on introducing the Journal Usage Report (JUR), another collection analysis tool which might complement the existing suite of resource instruments used by the license department (e.g. ScholarlyStats, Serials Solutions). In addition, the new features of the coming WoS version were presented.


  • Web of Knowledge 4 Update
    • Development Plans
    • Linking
    • Web Services
  • Web Citation Index Update
  • Journal Use Reports
  • New initiatives
    • Authorship
    • Metrics

Journal Usage Reports (JUR)[edit]

Journal Use Reports from Thomson ISI is a new analytical resource created to help librarians/decision takers understand how journals are used in their institutions. The data includes information for all journals not only those indexed in JCR and might be very helpful in the license decision process. JUR is not an Electronic Resource Management (ERM system), but summarizes indicators about

  • journal influence (in its subject area)
  • institutional publication activity (only for journals indexed in the citation databases). Works on profiles
  • usage statistics (COUNTER compliant usage statistics)
  • pricing information

JUR requires a JCR license as precondition, the journal view combines information from JCR with publication activity data and usage statistics

More information:

Web of Knowledge 4 Update[edit]

The old interface will be available until January 2008. A quick tour (marketing, flash8) is available via

  • Refinement options: by subject. It's planned to bring article level subject categories in (currently its just journal level information as available in ISI WoS)
  • EndNote/EndNote Web, new feature: Manuscript Control: automated, web-based, article peer review system used by to publsihed
  • AutoAlerts via RSS or directly delivered to handhelds/PDAs (for the "digital natives")

Linking and Web Service[edit]

Following issues have been reported by the MPDL and need to be followed up after the meeting:

  • linking problems with crossSearch (poor metadata in OpenURL) -> needs to be resolved with introduction of new ISI interface
  • usage of web services (SOAP) interfaces: influence on sessions
  • citation lookup interface, to prefetch the ISI identifier for given metadata

Web Citation Index[edit]

ISI knows they have a problems in capturing the reference information in the papers harvested. Anyway, it is planned to release a working product in 2008, the IVSen and the MPDL might get access beforehand.

  • WCHI remains in extended beta
  • usage remains high
  • redesigning backend system for harvesting references form repository docuemnts (utilizes TS document processing capabilities)
  • Repositories will be added after extended beta (index includes approximately 67 repositories)