Peer: Author Deposit

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This page contains the specification of author deposits in the PEER project.

---- Work in progress ----

The Author Deposit Scenario[edit]

Schema will follow

Submission of Publications[edit]

Authors are invited to self deposit publications to the PEER repositories.


  • Status: in design


  • Depositor

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. A user chooses to deposit his publication to the PEER depot.
  • 2. The user can enter basic metadata by using a webform
  • 3. The user can upload a PDF file
    • 3.1. The system checks the file mimetype and gives an error message when the file is not recognized as application/pdf.
  • 4. The user can select a journal name from a provided list
  • 5. The user can send the metadata and the file to the Peer Depot.
    • 5.1. The user needs to fill out a captcha to avoid spamming
  • 6 The webform performs a simple validation
    • 6.1. The webform content is validated successfully
    • 6.2. The webform content is validated unsuccessfully and the user gets a feedback that the content was not sent (he can change the content and try again).
  • 7. The content is send to the PEER depot via FTP
    • 7.1. The content can successfully be deposited to the Peer Depot. The user gets confirmation message, stating that an email will follow containing the links to his article in participating repositories. The use case ends successfully.
    • 7.2. The PEER depot is unavailable, the user gets a message, that the content could not be transferred to the PEER depot - the use case ends unsuccessful.


  • No deposits will be stored, if the PEER Depot is not available the author attempt will be unsuccessful.
  • The user can not decide to which repository his publication is deposited to, the publication will be deposited to all participating reps.

Open Questions[edit]

  • What are the minimal requirements of metadata (validation)?
  • In what format do we send the metadata to the PEER depot?
  • How do we talk to the FTP server? which host? which account credentials?

Additional Information[edit]

  • The basic deposit webform will be hosted at the MPDL (same server as track system).

Processing and Deposit of Publications[edit]

All further steps (including duplicate check) will be developed by INRIA.


Authors need to provide the following metadata from the deposit form:

Label Occurence {min, max} Description Comment
dc:title {1,1} Article title
dc:creator {1,1} Corresponding Author's name: Last Name, First Name Should there be other authors as well?
foaf:mbox { 0,1} Corresponding Author's email
dc:description {0, 1} Abstract
dc:date {0,1} Date of publication Should not this be date of acceptance?
dc:type {0,1} Type of publication Mapped to info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
dc:source {1,1} Journal name Selected from list of journals during depositing

In this case: