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Who am I[edit]

Student assistant at Max-Planck Institute, Albert-Einstein Institute. Presently working on my bachelor theory of "scientific online publications" on faculty of information professionals at the 'university of applied sciences' FHP in potsdam.

DOI - Research help[edit]

For the often used doi research references, I created some search index file for the Firefox Browser Search Panel. It helps to find every doi reference on planet. The search engine web interface supported by the doi organisation you can found at

Firefox DOI plug-in[edit]

This is a Search plug-in for doi documents and the citation index database. Simply download the file and put into yout home directory, if on *nix or linux you can find it in the ".mozilla/firefox/" directory, then change from here into a special session-directory my own was ".mozilla/firefox/y1cjpcw8.default" look for the "searchplugins" directory and put this Media:doisearch.xml file into it. Restart your Firefox Browser and enjoy your doi research.

Mpdl doi firefox.jpg

If on any other operating system, try to find the path I mentioned above. This plug-in will work on any Firefox version inclusive 3.0.14.

Work in progress[edit]