MPDL SvM Meeting 2009-11-04
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edoc2PubMan Migration[edit]
PubMan extensions[edit]
- Requirements from Radolfzell:
- First time estimations have been done
- For some points, further specification is needed
- Backlog
- Integrate functionalities from R3.5 or start afterwards?
- Generalization Release (3.2)
- Was released on qa yesterday
- I am finished with testing. Only minor bugs occurred. In my opinion, 3.2.1 can be released on live!
- R3.5
- We had a prototype meeting on Monday
- Minor changes still have to be done, e.g. search in released album list (Denise)
- Specification has to be adapted (Kristina)
- GUI V2 can start next week (Markus M.), as soon as R3.2 is released on live
- Scope is really heavy (see Faces_Scope#R3.5), perhaps we can split it in two releases
- R2.6.1 was released on Friday. Heavy bugs were detected, therefore we will need a bugfix release (hopefully end of this week by Markus H.)
- Performance tests started, no problems expected.
- The institute needs R2.6 with all books on live server before beginning of dec. (for presentation)
- Minimum requirement: 16.11. (Dt 9 Bg 20 (Bde. 1-8) und Dt 9 Ag 267 F (Bd. 1)) auf dem live server
- VK last Friday
- Project Meeting (11.11.09) in Berlin
- DFG letter --> answer has to be prepared
- Participation at Berlin 7 conference (PR) --> still waiting for feedback as to the possibilities of presenting CARPET
- Contacting new tools (PR) --> Monica has prepared an appropriate e-mail template, mails will be sent out as soon as contact details are available (mainly tel.-nr.)
- Specification for Local Amdinistration ready (link was sent around for comments)
- Last Meeting: MPDL_SvM_Meeting_2009-10-28