Software Testing

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Please Note: Work in Progress

This page will describe the testing approach for the services and solutions developed at the MPDL.

Module Tests[edit]

  • Interface Tests should check all methods in the modules interface. [required]
    • Class Name convention:
example: src/test/java/
  • The class should be explicitely declared in the module pom.xml
<!-- possible other test classes -->
The existence of the required Interface test class can be checked later by parsing of pom.xml (e.g with command line utility)
  • All other JUnit tests for a module should be presented in a separate test class. [optional, defined by users]

Open Questions[edit]

  • How to define scope of parameter values of tested interfaces ? (e.g. dataacquistion, test all fetching formats for all sources? is one exemplary source enough?)
    • For enumerated parameters
      • Pass all parameters in loop
      • Pass parameter which is not in the scope and check error handling
    • For non-regular parameters, like XML input
      • Check wellformed/malformed XML
      • Check output substantial
  • Test exception handling on the different types of errors (e.g. for levels: fatal, errors, warnings) ?

Integration Tests[edit]

Integration tests need to be implemented only for services which have dependencies to other services. A new service will be introduced were the integration tests for our modules are implemented (Integration Test Service) Integration Tests should be performed for:

  1. HTTP interfaces (REST, unapi, other)
    Different tools already exist which we can use (as mvn dependency or java code generator).
    Example in python
    Tests should be generic, therefore we could introduce a httpInterface.xml which provides the links for the interfaces to test (not static in source code). Thus testing a new interface should only demand entering the url in this httpInterface.xml
  2. EJB interfaces

Test Process[edit]

  • Check if the service can communicate to the required others (e.g. response code 200, AssertNotNull) [required]
  • Check if the outcome of a method is the specified, desired one (e.g. valid escidoc xml). [optional]
  • Test input should be valid and invalid parameters

Open Questions[edit]

System Tests[edit]

  1. Automated functional tests on solution level
    • According to functionalities desc in CoLab? To be defined together with SVM.
  2. Manual functional tests by SVM group
  3. Automated gui tests on solution level (Selenium Tests)
    • According to test scenarios in JIRA, like for PubMan
  4. Manual gui/ browser tests by GUI group

Open Questions[edit]

Bug Testing[edit]

Critical (regularly occurring) bugs should be identified together with SVM and checked with a appropriate test (Selenium or JUnit), on hand of its nature.

  1. Check 'old' bugs for test candidates
  2. Specify criteria for new bugs becoming test candidates

Open Questions[edit]

Test Resources[edit]

  1. Common Test Resources
    • Should be created together with SVM (item with full md, previously critical items etc.)
    • Should be stored in one place (which one?)
  2. Specific Test Resources
    • To be defined individually by each module and saved in src/test/resources


  1. Identify existing tests
  2. Create appropriate, generic test resources
  3. Enhance module tests according to specification
  4. Implement integration tests according to specification
  5. Check and specify what system tests are necessary for which solution
  6. Identify and implement bug tests

Test Process on example of DAAS[edit]

According to the current specification on this page a full testing process of the Dataacquistion Service should look like follows:

  1. Module test of all interface methods (e.g. doFetch("arxiv", "arxiv:123", "oai_dc"), explainSources()) with validation of outcome.
  2. Integration Test
    1. unapi e.g. http get: http://localhost:8080/dataacquisition/download/unapi?id=bmc:1472-6890-9-1&format=AJP_application/odt
    2. ejb e.g. doFetch("arxiv", "arxiv:123", "apa") (here DAAS needs to talk to transformation service)
  3. System test, e.g. selenium test of a user logging in, go to import page choose a source enter an identifier and save the item.


  1. RESTClient is easy Java-based REST testing open source tool
  2. soapUI is the leading open source tool for SOAP and REST testing, that comes with plug-ins for the following tools/IDE’s:
    • Maven 1.X/2.X
    • NetBeans 5.5/6.0
    • IntelliJ IDEA 6+
    • Eclipse 3.2+
    • JBossWS/JBossIDE 2.0.0+
  3. PushToTest TestMaker is complete open source test automation platform that is appropriate for:
    • Application Testing – Avoid Downtime, Qualify Patches, Updates, Hardware Changes
    • Integration Testing – Surface Performance Issues When Services Call Services
    • Regression Testing – Surface Functionality Issues Before Customers Do
    • Tool & Library Testing – Optimize Performance at the Object Level
    • XML Optimization – Improve performance and scalability – AJAX, SOAP, REST
    • Performance Testing – Better forecast CPU, Network, Memory needs to meet SLAs
  4. Selenium is open source software testing framework for Web UI testing
