ESciDoc Committer Meeting 2011-04-19

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Date: 19.04.2011
Start time: 14:30
End time: 15:30

Location: Karlsruhe, München
Participants MPDL: Natasa Bulatovic, Wilhelm Frank, Michael Franke
Participants FIZ: Michael Hoppe, Steffen Wagner, Armand Brahaj, Christian Herlambang, Harald Kappus

Previous committer meeting

Next committer meeting




  • feedback to V1.3Beta3


  • Status of installer

future topics[edit]

  • scalability/load tests environment (14.12.10)
    • partnering in setting-up such tests can be set-up as soon as we have environment defined
    • MPDL may have some free resources for setting up such environment next year
  • On Behalf-of deposit (14.12.10)
  • eSciDoc-Colab Page setup
  • installation guides
  • Issues with integrity (see ESciDoc_Committer_Meeting_2011-02-22)
    • Item in list.propety, not in list.item, in list.fedora, support transactions when saving item to Fedora+riTriples, Lucene
  • Support for operation (see ESciDoc_Committer_Meeting_2011-02-22)
    • self-sanity and integrity checks
    • reindexing
      • message displays on the Admin tool
      • partial reindexing with lists


VidCo: ip ISDN 089.38602-595
TelCo: ISDN 089.38602-213
phone: Natasa 089.38602-223