PubMan Func Spec Submission
UC_PM_SM_01 create item[edit]
The user creates a new item and provides item data. This use case starts the publication workflow for the new item.
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:R3
- The user wants to create a new item.
- Depositor
- None.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to create an item.
- 2. The system displays a list of all collections in state “opened” for which the user has the privileges as Depositor.
- 3. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the collection description.
- 3.1. The system displays the collection description.
- 4. The user selects a collection and confirms the choice.
- 5. The system creates a new item with the user as the owner in the selected collection. The item version is in state “pending” and default values for attributes and metadata values are inherited from the metadata set and the collection settings. Collection settings overwrite values inherited from the metadata set.
- 6. Continue with use case UC_PM_SM_02 edit item with the new item as selected item and the validation point “submit” as selected validation point. The use case ends successfully.
- 2a If the user has Depositor rights for only one collection, the collection selection is automatically performed by the system.
- 1. Continue with Flow of Events step 5.
- 2b If the user has in his/her private preferences defined a target collection the system automatically selects the collection.
- 2. Continue with Flow of Events step 5.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- A new item with the user as the owner has been created.
UC_PM_SM_02 edit item[edit]
The user edits the last version of an item while executing a task in the publication or in the modification workflow defined for the collection of the item.
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:R3
- The user wants to change or provide data for an item.
- This use case is included by the use cases UC_PM_SM_01 create item, UC_PM_SM_05 create item from template, UC_PM_SM_11 create new revision of item and UC_PM_QA_11 modify item.
- Depositor
- Moderator
- Metadata Editor
- One item is selected.
- One validation point is selected.
- The last item version is in state “pending”, “in rework” or “submitted”.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to edit the selected item or the item was selected by a previous use case.
- 2. If this use case was not triggered by another use case, the system creates a new item version with the same state as the state of the previous version.
- 3. The system displays an edit view for the last version of the item.
- 4. Extension point: fetch metadata
- 4.1. If this use case is triggered by the use case UC_PM_SM_01 create item and the user wants to harvest metadata from an external system include use case UC_PM_SM_04 fetch metadata from external system with selected collection as target collection.
- 5. (Optionally) The user edits the item attributes, adds new metadata values or modifies existing metadata values. This includes the selection of an entry from an authority file which is linked to a metadata element. For dealing with organizations when creating the metadata element “Organisation” see 11.2.
- 6. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the collection description.
- 6.1. The system displays the collection description.
- 7. (Optionally) The user adds one or more files to the item.
- 7.1. The system prompts for the path of the file.
- 7.2. The user enters the path to the file and confirms the input.
- 7.3. The system uploads the file.
- 7.4. The system checks the size of the file against the defined maximum file size (see NF_PM_01).
- a. The file size is less or equal to the maximum file size.
- b. The file size is greater than the maximum file size. The system discards the file and displays an error message. Continue with 7.
- 7.5. [Not R3] The system checks the file against viruses.
- a. No Virus is found.
- b. At least one virus is found. The system discards the file and displays an error message. Continue with 7.
- 7.6. The system identifies the mime type of the file and sets the information to the file.
- 7.7. The system checks the mime type of the file against the recommended mime types.(see NF_PM_02)
- a. The mime type is recommended.
- b. The mime type is not recommended. The system displays a warning message.
- 7.8. The system sets default values for file attributes from the collection settings.
- 7.9. The system displays an edit view for the file.
- 7.10. The user selects the visibility if not already set and the content type.
- 7.11. (Optionally) The user changes the visibility, the content type, the mime type or enters a description.
- 7.12. If the user has chosen the visibility “Organizational unit” the system shows a list of all open organizational units.
- 7.12.1. The user selects one or more organizational units and confirms the choice.
- 7.12.2. The system sets the file to be visible by the selected organizational units.
- 7.13. The user confirms the entries.
- 7.14. The system links the file to the item.
- 8. (Optionally) The user adds one or more file locators to the item.
- 8.1. The system sets default values for file attributes from the collection settings and displays an edit view for the file.
- 8.2. The user enters a locator for the file, selects the visibility if not already set and the content type.
- 8.3. (Optionally) The user changes the visibility, the content type, the mime type or enters a description.
- 8.4. The user confirms the entries.
- 8.5. The system links the file to the item.
- 9. (Optionally) The user modifies the attributes of one file.
- 9.1. The system displays an edit view for the file.
- 9.2. (Optionally) The user changes the visibility, the content type, the mime type, the locator or enters a description.
- 9.2.1. The system checks the change of the visibility.
- a. The visibility has changed from “Organizational unit”. The system removes the setting of organizational units for the visibility.
- b. The visibility has changed to “Organizational unit”. The system shows a list of all open organizational units.
- i. The user selects one or more organizational units and confirms the choice.
- ii. The system sets the file to be visible by the selected organizational units.
- c. Other changes of the visibility were done or the visibility has not changed.
- 9.2.1. The system checks the change of the visibility.
- 9.3. (Optionally) The visibility is “Organizational unit” and the user chooses to change the organizational units the file is visible by.
- 9.3.1. The system shows a list of all open organizational units.
- 9.3.2. The user selects one or more organizational units and confirms the choice.
- 9.3.3. The system sets the file to be visible by the selected organizational units.
- 9.4. The user confirms the entries.
- 10. (Optionally) The user removes one file.
- 11. Extension point: validate data.
- 11.1. If the user wants to validate the data of the item include use case UC_PM_SM_09 validate item for the selected validation point.
- 12. The user chooses to finalize the work process by saving the item data.
- 13. The system checks if any edit changes were done.
- 13.1. If any edit changes were done, the system creates and stores the item version.
- 13.2. If no changes were done, the system displays an error message (MSG_PM_SM_09). Continue with step 3.
- 14. The system displays a success message (MSG_PM_SM_01). The use case ends successfully.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- The item data is saved.
UC_PM_SM_03 submit item[edit]
The user submits the last version of the item.
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:R3
- The user wants to submit an item.
- Depositor
- One item is selected.
- The last item version is in state “pending” or “in rework”.
Comment Galina: Check if “the user is the owner.. “ must be a precondition
Comment uat: As this UC is now also included by modification workflow it cannot be a precondition….am I right?
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to submit the selected item or the item was selected by a previous use case.
- 2. The system checks if the collection of the item is in state “opened”.
- a. The collection is in state “opened”.
- b. The collection is not in state “opened”. The systems displays an error message (MSG_PM_SM_02). The use case ends without success.
- 3. Include use case UC_PM_SM_09 validate item for validation point "submit".
- 4. The system checks the validation report status.
- a. The validation report status is valid.
- b. The validation report status is invalid. The selected item is unaffected. The system displays an error message (MSG_PM_SM_03). The use case ends without success.
- 5. The system prompts for a confirmation of the submission.
- 6. (Optionally) The user enters a comment for the submission.
- 7. The user confirms the submission.
- 8. The system sets the status of the item version to “submitted”.
- 9. The system displays a success message (MSG_PM_SM_04). The use case ends successfully.
- 7a. The user does not confirm to submit the item.
- 1. The selected item is unaffected. The use case ends without success.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- The item version is in state “submitted”.
UC_PM_SM_04 fetch metadata from external system[edit]
The system fetches metadata from an external system providing an external identifier. These metadata are used to populate metadata for a new item.
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:R3
- The user wants to fetch the metadata of an item from an external system.
- This use case is included by the use case UC_PM_SM_02 edit item.
- Depositor
- One item is selected.
- The item is not persistent.
- The user is the owner of the item version.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to harvest metadata from an external service.
- 2. The system displays a list of all available ingestion sources which provide an ID fetch method.
- 3. The user selects one ingestion source and specifies an external ID appropriate to the selected ingestion source. The user confirms the input.
- 4. The system queries for item metadata with the specified ID.
- a. The system receives item metadata for the specified ID and transforms the received metadata to metadata values of the internal metadata set. These metadata values overwrite the existing metadata values of the item. The use case ends successfully.
- b. The query fails. The system does not receive item metadata for the specified ID. The system displays an error message. Continue with step 2.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- Fetched metadata are transferred to the item version.
UC_PM_SM_05 create item from template[edit]
The user creates a new item by using another item as a template and provides item data.
- Status: not implemented
- Schedule:to be defined
- The user wants to create a new item.
- Depositor
- One item is selected.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to create a new item from the selected item.
- 2. The system displays a list of all collections for which the user has the privileges as Depositor.
- 3. (optionally) The user chooses to view the collection description.
- 3.1. The system displays the collection description.
- 4. The user selects a collection as target collection and confirms the choice.
- 5. The system creates a new item with the user as the owner in the target collection. The item version is in state “pending” and default values for attributes are inherited from the target collection settings. The metadata values are taken from the selected item.
- 6. Continue with use case UC_PM_SM_02 edit item with the new item as selected item and the validation point “submit” as selected validation point. The use case ends successfully.
- 2a If the user has Depositor rights for only one collection, the collection selection is automatically performed by the system.
- 1. Continue with Flow of Events step 5.
- 2b If the user has in his/her private preferences defined a target collection the system automatically selects the collection.
- 1. Continue with Flow of Events step 5.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- A new item with the user as owner has been created.
UC_PM_SM_06 delete item[edit]
The user deletes an item which is not released.
- Status: implemented
- Schedule:R1
- The user wants to delete an item.
- Depositor
- One item is selected.
- The last item version is in state “pending” or “in rework”.
- No item version in state “released” exists.
- The user is the owner of the last version of the item.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to delete the selected item or the item was selected by a previous use case.
- 2. The system prompts the user to confirm the item deletion.
- 3. The user confirms to delete the item.
- 4. The system deletes the item and displays a success message (MSG_PM_SM_05). The use case ends successfully.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- The selected item is deleted.
UC_PM_SM_07 change collection of item[edit]
The user moves the item from one collection to another.
- Status: not implemented
- Schedule:to be defined
- The user wants to move the item from one collection to another.
- Depositor
- One item is selected.
- The last item version is in state “pending” or “in rework”.
- The user is the owner of the item.
- The user is in role “Depositor” for more than one collection.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to change the collection.
- 2. The system displays a list of all collections in state “opened” for which the user has the privileges as Depositor.
- 3. (optionally) The user chooses to view the collection description.
- 3.1. The system displays the collection description.
- 4. The user selects a collection and confirms the choice.
- 5. The system checks the item data against values and functionality allowed by the collection.
- a. The item data is in accordance with the allowed values and functionality of the collection.
- b. The item data is not in accordance with the allowed values and functionality of the collection. The System displays an error message (MSG_PM_SM_06). The use case ends unsuccessfully.
- 6. The system checks the item data against the default values of attributes and metadata definitions of the collection.
- a. The item data is in accordance with the default values of the collection.
- b. The item data is not in accordance with the default values of the collection. The system prompts the user to confirm that the item data is not overwritten.
- 6.1. The user confirms not to overwrite the item data.
- 7. The system changes the collection of the item and displays a success message (MSG_PM_SM_07). The use case ends successfully.
- 6.b.1.a. The user confirms to overwrite the item data.
- 1. The system overwrites the existing attribute values of the item with the collection’s settings for attribute values.
- 2. The system overwrites the existing metadata values of the item with the collection settings for metadata values.
- 3. The system creates a new item version, stores it and displays a success message (MSG_PM_SM_08) Continue with flow of events step 7.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- The item has been moved to another collection.
UC_PM_SM_09 validate item[edit]
The last version of an item has to be validated.
- Status: implemented
- Schedule:R1
- The item has to be validated.
- This use case is included by the use cases UC_PM_QA_01 confirm pre-check item, UC_PM_QA_03 accept item, UC_PM_QA_10 accept and authorize item, UC_PM_QA_11 modify item, UC_PM_SM_02 edit item, UC_PM_SM_03 submit item.
- System
- One item is selected.
- One validation point is selected.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. [Not R3] The system identifies possible duplicate items.
- 2. The system checks the data of the last version of the item for missing values for obligatory metadata and further constraints defined for the selected validation point.
- 3. The system generates an overview of the data of the last version of the item, the possible duplicate items and the check results.
- 4. [Not R3] Include use case UC_PM_SM_10 handle duplicate items.
- 5. Use case ends successfully.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- None
UC_PM_SM_11 create new revision of item[edit]
The user creates a new revision of the item. This action creates a new item and a relation of type “IsRevisionOf” from the new item to the selected item.
- Status: implemented
- Schedule:R2
- The user wants to create an intellectually revised item.
- Depositor
- One item is selected.
- At least one item version is in state “released”.
Flow of Events[edit]
- 1. The user chooses to create a new revision for the selected item.
- 2. The systems checks for existing items with a relation of type “isRevisionOf” to the selected item.
- a. At least one item with relation of type “isRevisionOf” to the selected item exists. The system displays the list of these item(s).
- b. No item with relation of type “isRevisionOf” to the selected item exists.
- 3. The system prompts for a description of the relation and confirmation of the new revision.
- 4. (optionally) The user enters a description for the relation.
- 5. The user confirms the new revision.
- 6. The system displays a list of all collections for which the user has the privileges as Depositor.
- 7. (optionally) The user chooses to view the collection description.
- 7.1. The system displays the collection description.
- 8. The user selects a collection as target collection and confirms the choice.
- 9. The system creates a new item with the user as the owner in the target collection. The item version is in state “pending” and has a relation of type “isRevisionOf” to the selected item. The default values for attributes and metadata values are inherited from the metadata set and the target collection settings. Collection settings overwrite values inherited from the metadata set. Following metadata values are prefilled from the selected item:
- Genre
- Creator
- Title
- Language
- AlternativeTitle
- Subject
- 10. Continue with use case UC_PM_SM_02 edit item with the new item as selected item and the validation point “submit” as selected validation point. The use case ends successfully.
- 6a If the user has Depositor rights for only one collection, the collection selection is automatically performed by the system.
- 1. Continue with Flow of Events step 9.
- 6b If the user has in his/her private preferences defined a target collection the system automatically selects the collection.
- 1. Continue with Flow of Events step 9.
Post-Conditions / Results[edit]
- A new item with the user as owner and a relation of type “isRevisionOf” to the selected item have been created.
Additional Information[edit]
Submission activities[edit]
Figure: Graphical representation of the submission activities in PubMan
Creating organizations in Metadata[edit]
To provide information for the metadata element "Organization" the user has to select an organizational unit from the organizational unit structure. In this case for every path of the selected organizational unit in the organizational unit structure (an organizational unit can have more than one parent organizational unit) a metadata value "Organization" is created by the system. If only one "Organization" is allowed, only one metadata value "Organization" is created for the path taken by the user to select the organizational unit. The "Name" value is derived from the organizational unit path, the "Address" value is copied from the selected organizational unit. Additionally a link to the selected organizational unit is created by copying the organizational unit id. Afterwards the user can edit the name and the address of the organization or delete a complete organization. The modified values are stored in the metadata set, the data in the organizational unit structure is unaffected.