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DV Treffen 2012[edit]

IT Strategie-Kommission[edit]

working groups

  • high performance computing
  • datamanagement and escience
  • IT-Basis-Services
  • Zentrale It and IT Governance

Produces: Final Report and Strategy Paper

High Performance Computing[edit]

pyramid model (1 in the institutes, 2 in the datacentres (RZG, DKRZ) 3. international

Need data-infrastructure (fast network)

Datamananagment and eScience[edit]

  • total cost of ownership as decisive
  • data access (fast networks)
  • lots of best practises

=IT Basicdienst[edit]

weigh up: more central - more efficient, less lcose to users. Tendency: researcher support local, IT-Basisservices central.