Imeji User Management

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  • User account creation: Only system administrators have the right to create new user accounts.
  • User can edit his own information and change his password.
  • Every registered user is an account user that has the right to create own collections.
  • One user can have as many privileges as he gets.
  • Account information is sent per email
  • For special purposes (e.g. for students), accounts are needed that have special rights for the context of one or several collections, but do not have the right to create own collections. (Possible with share functionality)

Not implemented[edit]

  • User Groups: Further to the user roles, it would make sense to implement the creation of user groups, which than can have special user rights assigned similar to individual users.

User Roles[edit]

Label Description
System Administrator

Is allowed to work on the whole system

  • view all images, collections, metadata profiles, and albums
  • view all account users
  • create/delete account users
  • delete images, collections and albums (in state private)
  • withdraw images, collections and albums (in state public)
Account User
  • create collections
  • create albums
  • create metadata profiles
  • inherits all rights from the MD Profile Editor, the Collection Administrator, and the Album Administrator
Collection Administrator

Is allowed to work on one specified collection

  • define following roles for the selected collection (share functionality):
  • Collection Editor
  • Image Editor
  • Profile Editor
  • Collection Viewer
  • inherits all rights from the Collection Editor, Image Editor, Collection Viewer, Profile Editor
Collection Editor

Is allowed to work on one specified collection

  • edit collection metadata
  • release collection
  • delete collection (state private)
  • withdraw collection (state public)
  • inherits all rights from the Image Editor and the Profile Editor
Image Editor

Is allowed to work on images of one specified collection

  • delete images
  • edit image metadata
  • inherits all rights from the Collection Viewer
Collection Viewer Is allowed to view pictures of a private collection
Album Administrator

Is allowed to work on one specified album

  • define following roles for the selected album (share functionality):
  • Album Viewer
  • Album Editors
  • inherits all rights from the Album Editor
Album Editor

Is allowed to work on the content of one specified album

  • edit album metadata
  • release album
  • delete album (state private)
  • withdraw album (state public)
  • add pictures
  • remove pictures
  • inherits all rights from the Album Viewer
Album Viewer Is allowed to view pictures of a private album
Profile Editor

Is allowed to work on one specified metadata profile

  • edit metadata profile

Use Cases[edit]

User Management[edit]

Administrative Search[edit]