Talk:PubMan Func Spec Easy Submission

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UC_PM_EASM_01 upload file in structured format[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule:R3


  • The user wants to upload a locally created BibTeX file, containing one reference.

Expected outcome[edit]

Reference is uploaded to a collection on PubMan.

The item is created on PubMan and can be edited/modified afterwards.


  1. The user chooses a collection where he has depositor privileges
  2. The user chooses to upload a file in structured format.
  3. The user starts the upload.
  4. The system processes the uploaded file, checks for completeness, creates an item and releases them immediately. The use case ends successfully.


4. The user gets an error message, indicating type of error (time out during upload, invalid file, validation rules not met).

4a. User tries the upload again. continue with step 3.

4b. User cancels the upload procedure.

Actors involved[edit]

User with depositing rights for at least one collection

Data involved[edit]

BibTeX File, structured format. See example file by the AEI.


  • BibTeX files are idiosyncratically structured; BibTool may help with preprocessing/normalization.

Does this mean we need not to provide any mapping?--Ulla 11:03, 26 February 2008 (CET)

Future development[edit]

  • Upload files in structured format containing more than one reference

see Ingestion

Functional Prototype[edit]

Please check the functional prototype for easy submission

Comments functional team:

  • The proposals by Natasa should be considered: default content category per genre, default creator roles per genre, default affiliation (same as previous), default source genre per item genre, default creator role if creator is of type organisation--Ulla 12:35, 15 February 2008 (CET)

to be checked: either collection set up? or default on GUI? in any case, "further options" should be available, in case default does not cover the need--Ulla 10:51, 27 February 2008 (CET)

  • The overall requirement for submission (genre-specific Metadata for edit mask) has to be considered for easy as well as normal submission for R3

First approach proposal: define limited number of genres for easy submission and their respective metadata (feedback by Early adopters). we need to find out: are default metadata possible for each genre? how often is the case that user needs more than defaulted metadata? is the setting for defaults better on collection or is system default possible? how does this relate to performance? (each genre check => new edit mask)

  • Fetch MD, Step 3: Typo on GUI, short short. In addition, would re-phrase to "...might not cover all fetched Metadata".

--Ulla 12:35, 15 February 2008 (CET)

  • Fetch MD, Step 2: Provision of ID shoudl include also eSciDoc ID, as we have already the use case "create item from template" for R3. In here, would mean only to add escidoc ID, in adddition to arXiv and DOI.--Ulla 12:29, 26 February 2008 (CET)

Should be discussed with Early adopter when presenting func prototype: Is it confusing for teh user/scientists, to get escidoc ID offered during fetch Md? Discuss the 3 variants: offer "create item from template" from a) easy submission/fetch MD, b) view item version, c) after submission.--Ulla 10:51, 27 February 2008 (CET)